MikeDF · @lycophidion
171 followers · 1103 posts · Server birds.town

A Pall of Hate Darkens Pride Month

"Just as massive plumes of sun-dimming smoke from wildfires now raging north of the border billow over the eastern half of the United States, darkening the sky and driving people indoors, so too has an epidemic of discrimination and hate targeting traditionally marginalized LGBTQ+ communities swept the land, unleashed by demagogues, cynical politicians and bigots. State and local governments from coast to coast are passing repressive bills, banning books and criminalizing people."



#lgbtq #socialjustice #pride23 #fascism #democracyindecline

Last updated 1 year ago

BronMason · @bronakins
183 followers · 183 posts · Server sfba.social

@pbump Democracy looks to be on a downward trend in general but the leaders trump admires most are from countries where democracy is essentially nonexistent.

#whensomeonetellsyouwhotheyarebelievethem #democracy #democracyindecline

Last updated 1 year ago