To restore our democracy and undo the damage of Citizens United, we must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and put the power back in the hands of the people, not wealthy corporate interests.
#democracyisnotforsale #demcast
#Fascists & #capitalists have always been running the #circus actually.
#corrupt #corruption #democracy #earth #racism #fascism #humans #morals #ethics #corrupt #democracyisnotforsale #democracyisalie #statism #imperialism #diplomacy #slavery #slavetothewage #gst #tax #PyramidSchemes
#fascists #capitalists #circus #corrupt #corruption #democracy #earth #racism #fascism #humans #morals #ethics #democracyisnotforsale #democracyisalie #statism #imperialism #diplomacy #slavery #slavetothewage #gst #tax #PyramidSchemes
CALL TO ACTION: Spending on federal & state elections has exploded since Citizens United. An analysis by OpenSecrets predicted that election spending would top $16.7 billion for the 2022 cycle, far exceeding any previous midterm election.
Call your Congressperson and demand they End Citizens United:
#activism #calltoaction #democracyisnotforsale
Big money in politics prevents progress on the issues that matter most, including reproductive justice, gun violence prevention, healthcare and climate change. We must end Citizens United to give power back to the people.
Corporations and billionaires pour money into our elections to buy influence.
This money prevents progress on the issues that matter most, including reproductive justice, gun violence prevention, healthcare and climate change.
Read NPR article here:
Secret money is serving the interests of the rich & powerful at the expense of Black, Brown and young voters.
The unchecked power of special interests erodes our rights, as dark money spends millions trying to silence our voices.
13 years ago, SCOTUS' decision in Citizens United unleashed wealthy donors & special interests to spend an onslaught of secret money in our elections.
Corporate special interests use their money to stall real change.
Contact your Reps to let them know: #DemocracyIsNotForSale
A secret billionaire donated $1.6 Billion to an organization attacking abortion, progress on fighting climate change & voting rights.
We only know about this donation because an insider tip-off. This is NOT how a democracy works.
A democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold — Justice Stevens dissenting in Citizens United #quote #CitizensUnited #DemocracyIsNotForSale
#quote #citizensunited #democracyisnotforsale
The same groups and individuals that were behind the Citizens United decision that created massive loopholes allowing an onslaught of secretive spending in our elections are also part of the decades-long assault on Roe.
#DemocracyIsNotForSale file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/7926C319-5140-4ABB-B5FF-14D6ABC906BA/tmp/WKFileShare-9vMhpaVe/de5dbb83-2d11-44ac-a9fa-4d51c610a67f/image.jpeg
Spending on federal & state elections has exploded since Citizens United. An analysis by OpenSecrets predicted that election spending would top $16.7 billion for the 2022 cycle, far exceeding any previous midterm election.
Spending on federal & state elections has exploded since Citizens United. An analysis by OpenSecrets predicted that election spending would top $16.7 billion for the 2022 cycle, far exceeding any previous midterm election.
Secret money serves the interests of the rich and powerful, at the expense of Black, Brown and young voters.
The unchecked power of special interests erodes our rights, as dark money spends millions trying to silence our voices.
#democracyisnotforsale #endcitizensunited #citizensunited
On the 13th anniversary of the Citizens United decision, a reminder that no other modern era SCOTUS decision has done more to destroy our US democracy.
#democracyisnotforsale #endcitizensunited #citizensunited
Dark money groups spent millions to shape our courts, attacking the foundation of an independent judiciary.
They upended Roe. They will not stop there.
Citizens United has been disastrous for people’s power in our democracy.
#democracyisnotforsale #endcitizensunited #citizensunited
Big money in politics prevents progress on the issues that matter most, including reproductive justice, gun violence prevention, healthcare and climate change. We must end Citizens United to give power back to the people.
Corporations and billionaires pour money into our elections to buy influence.
This secret money prevents progress on issues that matter most, including reproductive justice, gun violence prevention, healthcare and climate change.
#democracyisnotforsale #endcitizensunited #citizensunited
13 years ago, SCOTUS' decision in Citizens United unleashed wealthy donors and special interests to spend an avalanche of secret money in our elections.
Corporate special interests use their money to stall positive change.
#democracyisnotforsale #endcitizensunited #citizensunited
Dark money spent millions to shape our courts, attacking the foundation of an independent judiciary.
They have upended Roe. They will not stop there.
Citizens United has been disastrous for people’s power in our democracy.