Not My King: it’s not a crime to say it
#toryfascistdictatorship #fascism #democracynotautocracy #protest #coronation #republic #policestate #freespeech #freedom #democracylost #unitedkingdom #england #toryscum #dystopia #dystopianbritain #dystopian #1984 #orwell #orwellwasright
#toryfascistdictatorship #fascism #democracynotautocracy #protest #coronation #republic #policestate #freespeech #freedom #democracylost #UnitedKingdom #england #ToryScum #dystopia #dystopianbritain #dystopian #orwell #orwellwasright
Not My King: a crime to say it
The Tory’s #Fascist Kingdom
Protest organisers at King Charles' coronation have been arrested, placards confiscated
The protest was legal agreed with police, but organisers were arrested on arrival
#ToryFascistDictatorship #fascism #DemocracyNotAutocracy #protest #coronation #Republic #PoliceState #FreeSpeech #freedom #DemocracyLost #UnitedKingdom #England #ToryScum #dystopia #DystopianBritain #dystopian #1984 #Orwell #OrwellWasRight
#orwellwasright #orwell #dystopian #dystopianbritain #dystopia #ToryScum #england #unitedkingdom #democracylost #freedom #freespeech #policestate #republic #Coronation #protest #DemocracyNotAutocracy #fascism #ToryFascistDictatorship #fascist
@MrAppleyard @Spudgun67 Wow! Even as someone not living in the #UK, I already had the feeling that there were things going on there that were decidedly #NonDemocratic...
This is just public #censorship.
I still don't understand how a country can call itself democratic when then government chooses its own replacement after stepping down when they f* up. At least that's what it looked like to me.
#uk #nondemocratic #censorship #democracy #democracylost
Fox News Settles Dominion Case, Avoiding Public Airing of Network’s Dirty Laundry 🤨 #FoxNews #Dominion #DemocracyLost
#democracylost #dominion #foxnews