Do online “best practices” publications from international organisations really promote democracy? Or they unused resources?
This article uses download data from a major international body and process tracing to show that production of gray literature does provide a useful tool for democracy promotion.
▶️ #democracypromotion
After some lurking, I want to #introduce myself properly.
After training in #PoliticalTheory & #PoliticalPhilosophy, I'm now at the Institute of #PoliticalScience in #Leiden.
I've worked in the history of #PoliticalThought & #DemocraticTheory, looking at things like the secret ballot & #CriminalDisenfranchisement, as well as #Polisci stuff like #EU #DemocracyPromotion
My current work is on the #RuleOfLaw & #DemocraticBacksliding in the #EuropeanUnion
#introduce #politicaltheory #politicalphilosophy #politicalscience #leiden #politicalthought #democratictheory #criminaldisenfranchisement #polisci #eu #democracypromotion #RuleofLaw #democraticbacksliding #EuropeanUnion