This Month in Prophecy – August 2023
- Israel Special -
The protest movement is not about judicial reform, it is a planned secular uprising against Jewish nationalism / Zionism and religion. The Ha Aretz newspaper announced on March 10 this year ‘Israel’s long awaited secular uprising is finally here’.
#allseeingeye #DemocracyUnderAttack #demonstrations #Haaretz #iran #Israel #israeljudicialreform #masons #TempleMount #thismonthinprophecy #Zionism
#allseeingeye #democracyunderattack #demonstrations #haaretz #iran #israel #israeljudicialreform #masons #templemount #thismonthinprophecy #zionism
The Dominion settlement with Fox not News network is a small step towards justice, but it's not enough. We need to hold Fox accountable for promoting the Big Lie and undermining our democracy.
Let's keep demanding accountability and transparency from media outlets that prioritize profit over truth.
#DemocracyUnderAttack #HoldingFoxAccountable #BigLie #NotEnough #JusticeMatters #MediaResponsibility
#democracyunderattack #holdingfoxaccountable #biglie #notenough #JusticeMatters #mediaresponsibility
Inside the 'private and confidential' conservative group that promises to 'crush liberal dominance' - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
#democracyunderattack #democracy #DefendDemocracy
UK consortium takes on #palantir for £480mn #nhs data contract
#PalantirWatch #peterthiel #DemocracyUnderAttack #billionaire #authoratarianism
Gift link can be opened 3 times
#palantir #nhs #palantirwatch #peterthiel #democracyunderattack #billionaire #authoratarianism
#Briefing 124 #AfD #AlternativefuerDeutschland #noAfD #ZehnJahreAfD #EU #Euro #Populism #FarRight #Rechtsextremismus #CDU #FDP #Thüringen #Covid #Pandemic #Querdenker #Migration #Bundestag #EastGermany #Germany #democracyunderattack #Democracy #Verfassung
"Pressure to Party? While Germany’s Far-Right AfD Turns 10, Its Influence Remains Limited, But May Grow" (Verfassungsblog + Anmerkungen) | Briefing 124 | Politik, Recht
#briefing #afd #alternativefuerdeutschland #noafd #zehnjahreafd #eu #euro #populism #farright #rechtsextremismus #cdu #fdp #thuringen #covid #pandemic #querdenker #migration #bundestag #eastgermany #germany #democracyunderattack #democracy #verfassung
Zunächst: es gibt historisch gute Gründe, warum es 14 Vizepresidenten im EP gibt (Repräsentanz eines sehr heterogenen corpus politicus, Viel intensiverer Sitzungen als in nationalen Parlamenten). Man kann vorschlagen, das kleiner zu machen, aber im Abendprogramm doch bitte erst, nachdem man sich damit auseinandergesetzt hat, warum es so ist. #CorruptionEurope #democracyunderattack #EUcorrupt
#corruptioneurope #democracyunderattack #eucorrupt
RT @youngeuromove: #killthebill #democracyunderattack #policebill #electionsbill #AntiRefugeeBill
#killthebill #democracyunderattack #policebill #ElectionsBill #AntiRefugeeBill