This is Anderson Torres. He was Bolsonaro’s Minister of Justice. Until last Sunday, he was the secretary of security of the Federal District. He knew about the plans to attack the federal government, but he traveled to Florida. Now, he has returned to #Brazil. And he is in jail, accused of colluding against the country.
#BrazilUpdate #DemocracyWillPrevail
#brazil #brazilupdate #democracywillprevail
Five days after the attacks to the federal government, #Brasil’s President Lula met with the cleaning staff to thank them for their hard work at the Presidential Palace this week.
#Leadership #BrazilUpdate #DemocracyWillPrevail
#brasil #leadership #brazilupdate #democracywillprevail
Four days after the terrorist attacks in #Brazil, a judge has frozen the assets of 52 people and 7 companies for financing the attacks to the federal government. More people and organizations are expected to receive similar penalty.
They will cover the total costs of damages caused to the presidential palace, Congress and the Supreme Court.
#BrazilUpdate #DemocracyWillPrevail
#brazil #brazilupdate #democracywillprevail
#Brazil’s authorities are acting swiftly after Sunday’s terrorist attack:
- over 1,500 have been arrested.
- public employees involved are being fired.
- over 100 companies that financed the attacks will have their assets frozen.
- the governor of the Federal District has been put on a leave.
- the general commander of the military police has been fired and arrested for supporting attackers.
- Congress is demanding Bolsonaro’s immediate return to Brazil.
#DemocracyWillPrevail #accountability
#brazil #democracywillprevail #accountability
After meeting with #Brazil’s governors, #Lula walked with them to the Supreme Court.
#leadership #DemocracyWillPrevail
#brazil #lula #leadership #democracywillprevail
Pro Democracy marches are taking place in the largest cities of #Brazil today. Social movements want to send a clear message to the responsible for yesterday’s attacks: Democracy will prevail.
These marches are also taking place in Europe.
Joint statement by Biden, Trudeau and Lopez Obrador about #Brazil
I end this eventful day hoping that today’s attacks to #Brazil’s democratic institutions will unite the executive, legislative, judiciary and the Brazilian people in the pursuit of justice. I hope they will work together to strengthen our young democracy. Our constitution was signed in 1988 and has been put to test so many times already.
I also hope high school and college students will engage in the exercise of democracy to the fullest.
#JusticeWillPrevail #DemocracyWillPrevail
#brazil #justicewillprevail #democracywillprevail
"Connect the dots between the demonstrations in China, the months of protests in Iran and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s failures after his invasion of Ukraine and you’ll see that autocrats are on the backfoot as we come to the end of 2022. It’s time to restore our confidence in this global conflict between democracy and autocracy."
#cnn #democracywillprevail #stopputin
#cnn #democracywillprevail #StopPutin