Our June Newsletter is out 🌊
✦ read through our “Shifting Tides” report on the state of #OpenMovement
✦ check out the Civil Society Statement on #DigitalPublicInfrastructures #DemocraticInfrastructure
✦ follow our work on #AI, the #commons, and the limits to #copyright
✦ … & more!
Sign up or access the issue 👉 https://mailchi.mp/openfuture/the-open-movement-at-a-turning-point
#openmovement #digitalpublicinfrastructures #democraticinfrastructure #AI #commons #Copyright
As Chairperson of the Board of EuropeanBigBlueButtonAssociation - eBBBa e.V., I would like to draw your attention to the following #DigitalCommons and #DemocraticInfrastructure statement. 
Thank you very much for your support.
@eBBBa fully supports as one of 40 civil society organisations the
@OpenFutureEU and
statement in which we call on the #EU regarding:
-> Learn more at: http://shared-digital.eu/statement/
#eu #democraticinfrastructure #digitalcommons
As Chairperson of the Board of EuropeanBigBlueButtonAssociation - eBBBa e.V., I would like to draw your attention to the following #DigitalCommons and #DemocraticInfrastructure statement.
Thank you very much for your support.
@eBBBa fully supports as one of 40 civil society organisations the
@OpenFutureEU and
statement in which we call on the #EU regarding:
-> Learn more at: http://shared-digital.eu/statement/
#eu #democraticinfrastructure #digitalcommons
Together with 40 organisations we urge the #EU & its Member States to invest in *public* #digital #infrastructure.
We demand #DemocraticInfrastructure that ensures Europe’s digital sovereignty & a just digital transformation that respects democratic values.
#eu #digital #infrastructure #democraticinfrastructure
Heute rufen wir gemeinsam mit 40 Organisationen die EU & die Mitgliedstaaten auf, in digitale öffentliche Infrastrukturen & digitale Gemeingüter zu investieren! Für eine gerechte digitale Transformation. @EUparliament
Together with 40 signatories, we urge the EU & Member States to invest in digital public infrastructure and #DigitalCommons to ensure Europe’s #DigitalSovereignty and a just digital transformation.
#digitalcommons #digitalsovereignty #democraticinfrastructure
Together with 40+ signatories, we have just released a Civil Society Statement in which we urge the EU to invest in #DemocraticInfrastructure and the #DigitalCommons to ensure Europe’s digital sovereignty and a just digital transformation 👇 https://www.commonsnetwork.org/2023/06/05/a-call-for-democratic-digital-infrastructure/
#digitalcommons #democraticinfrastructure
Together with 40+ signatories, we urge the EU & Member States to invest in digital public infrastructure and digital commons to ensure Europe’s digital sovereignty and a just digital transformation: https://shared-digital.eu/statement/ #DemocraticInfrastructure
Together with 40+ signatories, we urge the EU & Member States to
invest in digital public infrastructure and digital commons to
ensure Europe’s digital sovereignty and a just digital
transformation: https://shared-digital.eu/statement/