Hello! Time for my #Twitter conversion; was part of the flock for 15 years. Future posts will NOT be so hashtags laden but I’m looking for my communities rn
I’m curious about / hope to curate my feed to discuss #patientadvisor #patientnavigation #empoweredpatient #HealthcareSystemIsBroken #healthyequity #MedNews #meded #nursingandnurses #healthsystems new #clinical findings #Cancer #cancertreatment #cancerscreening.
I lean left! #progressdemocrats #democraticmanagement
and I ❤️ #turtles
#twitter #patientadvisor #patientnavigation #empoweredpatient #healthcaresystemisbroken #healthyequity #mednews #meded #nursingandnurses #healthsystems #clinical #cancer #cancertreatment #cancerscreening #progressdemocrats #democraticmanagement #turtles
Anyone have resources on manager evaluations? something my newly formed non-manager caucus at work is trying to get institutionalized and I'd love something with a #democraticmanagement or social justice lens
My summer course, Worker Cooperative’s and Democratic Management has been approved for 2018! This will be the 5th iteration and I am as excited as ever! #coops #coopeducation #democraticmanagement
#coops #coopeducation #democraticmanagement