every second Sunday #Podcast #FutureHistories S02E47 - Matt Huber on Building Socialism, Climate Change & Class War
#MattHuber, #Interview, #JanGroos, #FutureHistories, #FutureHistoriesInternational, #DemocraticPlanning, #ClimateChange, #Transition, #Environment, #Hegemony, #Energy, #Degrowth, #Nature, #Class, #EconomicPlanning, #Capital, #Limits, #Socialism, #ecosocialism, #communism, #Marxism, #ClassStruggle, #TheGoodAnthropocene, #ThePeoplesRepublicOfWalmart, #Verso
Episode transcripts can be found at https://github.com/autonompost/podcasts-transcriptions/tree/main/podcasts/futurehistories
#verso #thepeoplesrepublicofwalmart #thegoodanthropocene #classstruggle #marxism #communism #ecosocialism #socialism #limits #capital #EconomicPlanning #class #nature #degrowth #energy #hegemony #environment #transition #climatechange #democraticplanning #futurehistoriesinternational #jangroos #interview #matthuber #futurehistories #podcast
@fplogue can we just properly democratise public planning so that these unelected people aren't deciding what happens on behalf of all of the rest of us??
Either through direct democracy (using @decidim ) or reforming local government to actually function correctly, with stronger planning powers.
#directdemocracy #publicplanning #democraticplanning #decidim
#decidim #democraticplanning #publicplanning #directdemocracy
Utopian markets are supposed to eliminate the need for #planning.
But utopian market theory has provided cover for #CorporatePlanning, which is accountable to elite owners not the #public
We need #DemocraticPlanning.
#planning #corporateplanning #Public #democraticplanning