No bias weight should be put on any creed:but mark u,from every human psychologist who teams up with every social anthropologist in the pantomime donkey of this violent unprecedented world,if u put any jihadic type military attack for "self-defence" idea,like a fulguration of Hopi-Indian subjectless verbal male edict,on the main agenda,u not only defile ur enemy,u rip up children in their beds,& cry "Allah O A-fric-á!!" #DemocraticRepublicCongo
What one more massacre in Congo says about MONUSCO
#DemocraticRepublicCongo #FelixTshisekedi #MONUSCO #UnitedNations #M23 #Ituri #IDPcamp #NorthKivu #massacre
#massacre #NorthKivu #idpcamp #ituri #M23 #unitednations #Monusco #felixtshisekedi #democraticrepubliccongo