#covid #Biden #democrats2024 #rfkjr2024 #polls #dems
Feinstein's refusal to resign is an example of "self-preservation over principle," which is damaging the public's trust in U.S. politics.
For Christ's sake, Dianne... What are you waiting for? Do you fantasize about dropping dead on the floor of the Senate? You have nothing left to accomplish. It's time to bow out gracefully, and hand the reins over to someone new. All you're doing now is tarnishing your legacy.
#FeinsteinResign #Democrats2024 #SenateJudiciaryCommittee
#feinsteinresign #democrats2024 #senatejudiciarycommittee
I wanted to vote for Jill Stein in 2016. Instead I grudgingly voted for Hillary. Didn’t help.
I wanted to vote for Bernie in 2020. I grudgingly voted for Biden. I guess some would say it helped.
I am sure I will grudgingly vote for Biden again. And I’m sure that Democrats will continue to do next to nothing for me and my communities.
Was there ever a time when Dems actually tried to be anything more than the lesser evil?
@TonyStark - we're going to need to pitch in for #SherrodBrown in Ohio!!!!!
Another rich GOP guy in Ohio.running......ughhh
Early hands on deck alert....#Democrats2024
Trump said on his speech to become president from 2024:
"I want to ban GAC and HRT for transgender people of all ages." then tried to correct himself by saying "Children", what he meant is simply:
"I want to kill transgender people, does not matter their age."
If people vote for Trump, DeSantis or any other GOP Runners, they'll be responsible of a genocide.
Vote Blue for 2024, even if that means 4 more years of Biden.
#voteblue #democratsfordemocracy #democrats2024 #DontVoteRepublican
#voteblue #democratsfordemocracy #democrats2024 #DontVoteRepublican