The Blue Roofs and Cars didn't burn .. 🔥
#MauiFires #MauiCoverUp #MauiLandGrab #FEMA #DEWs #AlohaChallenge #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica
#mauifires #MauiCoverUp #MauiLandGrab #FEMA #DEWs #AlohaChallenge #democratsaredestroyingamerica #joebidenDESTOYSAmerica
Also, DON'T FORGET we mutilate children, waste money on foreign wars, and call everybody who disagrees with us a "racist" ❗️
#DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #Democrats #DemocratsAreEvil @HouseDemocrats
#democratsareevil #Democrats #democratsaredestroyingamerica
Racism, the root cause ❓
#DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica
#Democrats 🤥 @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats
#Democrats #democratsaredestroyingamerica #democratshateamerica
When the DEMs say "Democracy", this is what they mean... #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #Democrats
#Democrats #democratsaredestroyingamerica #democratshateamerica
#DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica can only mean one thing, #DemocratrsAreMakingAmericaGreatAgain and the #GOP & #Republicans are jealous that they could never pull their heads out of their asses long enough to get the job done right.
#democratsaredestroyingamerica #democratrsaremakingamericagreatagain #gop #republicans
Cities you should leave NOW! Get out of Dodge NOW! #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #democratsarecorrupt
#DemocratsAreCorrupt #democratsaredestroyingamerica
#redwave2022 #SaveAmerica #DrainTheSwamp #voteredtosaveamerica #2022midterms #Freedom #Liberty #saveourchildren #nomandates #healthfreedom #inflation #democratsaredestroyingamerica #defeatdemocrats2022 #greatawakening
#greatawakening #defeatdemocrats2022 #democratsaredestroyingamerica #inflation #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #saveourchildren #liberty #freedom #2022Midterms #voteredtosaveamerica #draintheswamp #saveamerica #RedWave2022
The creatures who infest the Swamp in their quest to transform this country into a 3rd world socialist banana republic 🍌
#DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #DOJ #RINO #FBI #IRS
#IRS #fbi #RINO #doj #democratsaredestroyingamerica
The Republicans are the party of:
Rape babies
Climate Change is a hoax
1st graders getting their heads blown off by AR15s
White Supremacists
Black vote suppression
Gutting Social Security
Since #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica is trending