@chriscaple @c_9 @djsaunders03 @alysondecker @absamma @BlackAzizAnansi
Billionaires move in billionaire social circles.
Percentage wise there are few of them, it is easy for them to meet with each other.
Put these people under a spotlight.
Prevent people from amassing these insane sums of money, by taxing them to the hilt.
Maybe we even should put a cap on total property anyone is allowed to posess.
Prevented money from exerting undue influence on Politics.
Lots of arrests in #Germany of suspects planning a #coup. Many of those detained had #MilitaryTraining and were believed to belong to a group that operated on the conviction that the country was ruled by the so-called #DeepState.
#germany #coup #MilitaryTraining #deepstate #qanon #democray #farright #antidemocracy #nytimes
RT @EDBallinasloe: 📌Don't miss the State of the Union address by @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen to hear more about recent achievements, supports for Ukraine, cutting dependence on fossil fuels #democray and more
🗓️Wednesday September 14
🕗 8am 🇮🇪 time
@eurireland @MariaWalshEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1569666411840126976