Here is a perfect example of a failure of democratic systems: allowing people who know nothing about a subject to vote on it and FU the lives of everyone in the country. In this case, MPs voting on technical measures they cannot comprehend.
- not banning E2EE, just ensuring it is open to (officially sanctioned) man-in-the-middle attacks. FFS.
Like legislating against gravity.
#signal #e2ee #onlinesafetybill #uk #democracy #democrazy
Ich hatte Ihnen den Link von "hatewatch" zugeschickt, damit Sie meine Besorgnis nachvollziehen können.
Sie sind mit keiner einzigen Zeile darauf eingegangen.
Von einer #Demokratie auf Basis dieses kapitalistischen Systems fühle ich mich bedroht, denn es dient nur den Interessen der Plutokraten und Oligarchen.
#Democracy #Democrazy #Rechtswissenschaft #Juristik #Jurabubble #Justice #Law
#democracy #democrazy #Rechtswissenschaft #juristik #Jurabubble #justice #law #demokratie
Zum letzten Abschnitt: Ich halte viel von dem Sprichwort: "Irren ist menschlich". Ich bin ein Mensch und deshalb werde ich in Ihrer Demokratie langsam aber sicher "irre".
Bei mir hat mal eine kluge Informatiker*in gewohnt. Sie sagte, dass sie eine Gegner*in von Demokratie sei, weil: "If the majority is voting for genocide, than genocide happens."
Vielleicht ist "Demokratie" ja nicht nur ein Irrtum, sondern gar ein Irrsin?
#demokratie #demcracy #democrazy
Great 🧵 by @Garileku about the Tolosa Citizens' Assembly on Mental Health and Emotional Well-being 👇
Was a privilege to be working with such a motivated team at @tolosaudala & @arantzazulab to build up local capacity and co-design this deliberative process 👇 #delibwave
RT @Garileku
1/10 #CitizensAssamblies #Democrazy
At the proposal of @arantzazulab and with the consensus of the 3 political parties represented in the t…
#democrazy #citizensassamblies #delibwave
Great 🧵 by @Garileku about the Tolosa Citizens' Assembly on Mental Health and Emotional Well-being 👇
Was a privilege to be working with such a motivated team at @tolosaudala & @arantzazulab to build up local capacity and co-design this deliberative process 👇 #delibwave
RT @Garileku
1/10 #CitizensAssamblies #Democrazy
At the proposal of @arantzazulab and with the consensus of the 3 political parties represented in the t…
#democrazy #citizensassamblies #delibwave
In Austria 🇦🇹 the Klimarat 🌍 (Citizens' Council on Climate) has presented its final report to the public. 📄
100 people randomly chosen from all over Austria discussed, supported by scientists, impacts of and measures against the climate crisis. They came up with 90 unanimous recommendations for policies, which have been received favourably by politicians. These measures show a great interest in the topic by the general public if they are offered a say. They also show people are willing to make an effort and in fact demand more decisive action than offered by decision makers.
📰 Newspaper coverage:
:firefox: Website of the Citizens' Council:
:pdf: Direct link to final report with 90 recommendations and info about the council:
(all sources in German 🇩🇪)
#climate #ClimateCrisis #CitizensCouncil #grassroots #democrazy #Austria #Klimarat
#klimarat #austria #democrazy #grassroots #CitizensCouncil #ClimateCrisis #Climate