@rose_myrtle @TMakarios
That website was pivotal in undermining #populationGrowth concerns in the 2010s and as a result set back movements to empower women, and to secure #familyPlanning and other services. With the help of an elevated #demographer at the #BBC, the world saw a marked increase in #fertility as a result, The problem of #unwantedBirths is a huge and they basically helped fuel it.
It has helped to plunge more people into various forms of poverty, modern slavery, precarity etc.
#populationGrowth #familyPlanning #demographer #bbc #fertility #unwantedBirths
Belated #introduction
I'm a #demographer and #sociologist, focused on mortality in the US
Want to understand how I think about demographic modeling (and why I love it)? Read this interview:
Want to understand how I think about racism and mortality? Read this article or this interview:
Want to know about my favorite recent research?
(non-work-centered stuff in the next post)
#sociologist #demographer #introduction
I'm a #sociologist, #demographer and #historian working on long-term change in #population #health. I'm interested in #healthinequalities, differences between #families and #intergenerational change, and #earlylife effects on health outcomes. I study #mortality, #morbidity, #reproductivehealth and #stature. I use historical register data as well as Swedish #registerdata. More on www.ingridvandijk.com!
#Introduction #sociologist #demographer #historian #population #health #HealthInequalities #families #intergenerational #earlylife #Mortality #morbidity #reproductivehealth #stature #registerdata
New server, new #introduction!
I’m a #sociologist and #demographer interested in the relationships between #environmental change, sustainable development, and health and well-being.
I study how #climate change affects food security, child nutrition, and infant health, and I examine the social processes underlying dam-induced displacement. Much of this work focuses on low- and middle-income countries (#Brazil and #Ethiopia in particular).
I’m excited to connect with others here! 🌍
#ethiopia #Brazil #Climate #environmental #demographer #sociologist #introduction
Time for an #introduction! My name is Damiano and I’m #newhere. I’m a #sociologist and #family #demographer working on #ageingResearch. My research interests include #gender and #socialinequalities in #health in later life, #intergenerationalRelationships, social determinants of health (#SDoH), #welfareSystems, and #quantitativeMethods for #socialResearch. I’m looking forward to connecting with others interested in #sociology, #demography, #epidemiology, #gerontology, and other #SocialScience·s.
#introduction #newhere #sociologist #family #demographer #ageingresearch #gender #socialinequalities #health #intergenerationalrelationships #sdoh #welfaresystems #quantitativemethods #socialresearch #sociology #demography #epidemiology #gerontology #socialscience·s
Now that I hopped instances, here is a new #introduction #newhere post. I am a #sociologist and #demographer who studies #housing #HousingPolicy #EnvironmentalJustice and #SafetyNet #SocialPolicy in the United States. #sociology #sociodon #Demography
#Introduction #newhere #sociologist #demographer #housing #HousingPolicy #environmentaljustice #safetynet #SocialPolicy #sociology #sociodon #Demography
I'm #SexualHealth and #ReproductiveHealth #Demographer, discusses #gender, #contraception, #Sexuality, #Sexualities, #LGBTQI, & #PublicHealth. Based in #Paris. I'm interested in #ResearchIntegrity & #ParticipativeResearch
Je suis #démographe de la #santésexuelle et de la #santéreproductive, qui discute de #genre, #contraception, #Sexualité, #Sexualités, #LGBTQI, & #SantéPublique. Travaille à #Paris. Je m’intéresse à l’#intégritéscientifique et à la #rechercheparticipative
#introduction #SexualHealth #reproductivehealth #demographer #gender #contraception #sexuality #Sexualities #lgbtqi #publichealth #paris #ResearchIntegrity #ParticipativeResearch #démographe #santésexuelle #santéreproductive #genre #Sexualité #Sexualités #santépublique #intégritéscientifique #rechercheparticipative
Hi all - here’s my #introduction!
I’m a #sociologist and #demographer interested in the relationships between environmental change, sustainable development, and health and well-being.
I study how #climate change affects food security, child nutrition, and infant health, and I examine the social processes underlying dam-induced displacement. Much of this work focuses on low- and middle-income countries (Brazil and Ethiopia in particular).
I’m excited to connect with others here! 🌍
#climate #demographer #Sociologist #introduction
I am a #demographer and a Professor at Macquarie University in Sydney, #Australia. My interests include #demographic #trends and #population #policy. I love data of all sorts, especially #census data, #birth rate, #death rates and #migration data. My goal is to promote a better understanding of population growth and #depopulation.
#demographer #australia #demographic #trends #population #policy #census #birth #death #migration #depopulation
Suppose I should do an #introduction post:
I am a #geographer and #demographer who is #postac working at a consultancy/think tank. I am currently focused on a #data and #analytics technology transformation project at a US federal government agency. I work in #RStats and #python primarily. My academic work was focused on disasters and on social equity. I’m also a music fan and occasionally try to be funny.
#Python #RStats #analytics #Data #postac #demographer #geographer #Introduction
#Introduction: I am an Assistant Professor in #sociology at the University of Toronto. At the most general level, my research is on the "effects of education."
Mostly I study the effect of education on labor markets / stratification, but I also am interested in (and doing research on) the effect of education on internal migration, civic behaviors, and social networks.
I am not a real #demographer but I am often mistaken for one and I appreciate being involved in their research community.
#Introduction #sociology #demographer