When I was Born ✌️ I had 2 placentas
✌️My Mom says “I always have a BACKUP plan”
✌️So IN essence… I actually COULD refer to myself as a “THEY” 🤣 but I don’t🤣 bc I’m NOT Insane
🔥OR… #demonically #possessed
🔥That is truly a SIGN of #demonic #possession 🔥 referring to yourself as “multiple” entities
✌️My dad has a TWIN brother
✌️I wonder sometimes… what LIFE would be like… with a TWIN sibling… I guess similar to this #CLONE thing people TALK about
✌️maybe I’m a Hybrid 🤣🤣🤣that’s why the Aliens 👽🙏 are always HELPING me
🔥 we may Never KNOW what’s really going on Around Here
🔥bc the DEEP STATE Keeps All our Human Knowledge FROM US unfortunately
#clone #possession #Demonic #possessed #demonically
How #demonically #evil do you have to be to do something like this?
#heads #bodyparts #FDA #obama #evil #demonically