Finished #BlackSiteStudios #Demonship this weekend.
Quite pleased with the minis. Tried some stuff with the terrain that didn’t quite work the way I’d hoped it would but overall: I’m satisfied.
I need to do more with fluorescents because it’s the most pointless thing but I love it and cannot get enough of it.
Done with my #BlackSiteStudios #Demonship models. They’d have been a single data’s work if I’d sat down and knocked them out, but I’m spinning a lot of plates right now.
If I’d had fluorescent blue on hand, the UV effect would have been more pronounced (the cables on the demons); the colors I DO have (all but blue) didn’t work here.
Last of the bad guys I painted to populate my demon ship. Been done for a little while but only just getting around to taking nice pictures. Imagine the luxury of a permanent photo setup!
I wanted this one to look haunted and like it had sat on the bottom of the ocean for a long time, and I'm happy with it for something I did fairly quickly!
#miniaturepainting #demonship #ReaperMiniatures
What if Amelia Earhart was on a spaceship full of ghost pirates? And she had a gun?
#demonship #wip #miniaturepainting #ReaperMiniatures
Continuing to knock out these fairly quick bad guys for using in demon ship. Is a ghost nun with a golden gun and cross too on the nose in terms of theming? 😂
Did a third one of these pirates because I thought the game I was painting them for needed three, realized it was only two about halfway through this one. Still a fun and fast paint!
I think this effect is harder to get right with the brighter color.