Some of the more *striking* similarities I've seen between #Nioh and #FromSoftware's #SoulsBorne games:
The Demon King Revealed (Nioh 2017) - Crumbling Farum Azula (#EldenRing 2022)
Stonefang Tunnel ( #DemonsSouls 2009) : The Silver Mine Writhes (Nioh 2017)
Ogress (Nioh 2017) - Corrupted Monk (#Sekiro 2019)
Hydra (#DarkSouls 2011) : Yamata-No-Orochi (Nioh 2017)
Aava, the King's Pet (Dark Souls II 2014) : White Tiger (Nioh 2017)
That's off the top of my head. There are so many more.
#nioh #fromsoftware #soulsborne #eldenring #demonssouls #sekiro #darksouls
I just noticed that some of the knights in #EldenRing with crossbows still use exactly the same animation from back in #DemonsSouls
#eldenring #demonssouls #soulsborne
I have discovered a new gamefranchise for me, Armored Core. Since I always want to play the first parts chronologically, again quite a few games for my #pileofshame.
In case Armored Core doesn't sound familiar, it's a mecha-game series from #fromsoftware known for #DemonsSouls, #DarkSouls and #EldenRing
#pileofshame #fromsoftware #demonssouls #darksouls #eldenring #armoredcore #mecha
Please someone stop me, I can't stop playing #DemonsSouls. I've completed archstone 5, gone back to Boletaria and, with a little bit of help, gotten rid of the Penetrator...
Oh, I laughed out so loud playing #DemonsSouls today...
I beat the Maneater (and had so much fun in the process, and then I moved on to the Old Monk and his summon...
My opponent was sitting on the floor, their back to the door. After a minute of combat or so, they manage to parry and riposte me. I see my health bar go empty, and so do they. So they go back to their sitting spot, their back to me.
Turns out I had maybe 1 or 2 health points left.
So I backstabbed them and won 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Enjoying the Maneater boss fight a lot, this is the kind of stuff I play #soulsbourne games for!! (still, I keep getting wrecked, but I'm loving it regardless!)
Progress in #DemonsSouls is slow but steady. I'm at Upper Latria (3-2 for those who only played the original game) and dealt with the two chains. Last thing that has happened is that I've been Cthulhu'd while climbing the long stairs. I'll have to go back there later for revenge!
In #DemonsSouls FromSoft went and said "How DARE YOU enjoying the fight against the Flamelurker!!" and then put 2-3 in there, as retaliation.
It's the only reasonable explanation.
I finally got to the Flamelurker in #DemonsSouls, and I'm loving it. The boss design is super cool, the moveset is savage, and the overall combat is just so much fun!
I love #FromSoftware. Ever since I fell in love with #DemonsSouls on the PS3 in 2010.
So I was interested in their forthcoming #PS5 #ArmoredCore game, #ArmoredCore6: #FiresOfRubicon.
I just watched the trailer.
I think I'll pass.
Graphically the game looks impressive.
But that voice acting. Jesus, it's awful. Stilted, unnatural dialogue delivered by voice actors who are utterly expressionless.
I'm not going to listen to that for 20-30 hours.
Have a listen.
#fromsoftware #demonssouls #ps5 #armoredcore #armoredcore6 #firesofrubicon
Ich spiele mal wieder Demon‘s Souls und vergifte heimlich ein paar Bosse 😄
Current status of the games I'm playing:
#DemonsSouls: Multiple fronts open, getting savagely killed in all of them.
#OcarinaOfTime: Just started it, trying to get into Hyrule castle.
#DragonAgeInquisition: Trying to engage with the plot, open world doesn't help because of the tons of random markers in the map.
#ForgedInShadowTorch: Loving the setting and graphics, enjoying a very decent metroidvania.
#demonssouls #ocarinaoftime #dragonageinquisition #forgedinshadowtorch
A while ago I bought a PS3 specifically for the original Demon's Souls, only to have it "borrowed" by my sister and never see it again. 🤔
I haven't posted much about #DemonsSouls these days... Basically because progress has been quite lackluster. After killing the boss in 2-1 I tried to traverse 2-2 only to get completely destroyed time and time again. I moved to 4-1 and managed to kill the boss there, but I'm finding 4-2 mostly impossible too...
At least today I managed to kill Patches, that's always a good thing to do!
Got to the Armor Spider in #DemonsSouls and wow, between the sticky web that leaves you open to several attacks, the fire balls, and the body slams, I don't think I've been able to hit it more than four times in three tries. The first time I was not even able to get close to it.
YES!!! I finally killed the Tower Knight!!
FFS, I'm hating the Lord's Path so much. I managed to get across once, and I thought that was it and I would be able to unlock some sort of shortcut... Instead of that, I just was fed shield for dinner, and back to square one.