There is literally no talk in the about how insidious is, because they are part of the same complex.

They just keep pumping extremist content to kids and people until one carries out a then the media makes a song and dance about the website, not Cloucflare though, then the site shuts down and Cloucflare waits a bit before opening up another , and the cycle continues.

Cloucflare is a

#legacymedia #Cloucflare #demoralised #terrorAttack #FascismFactory #naziProductionOutfit

Last updated 4 years ago

What can we say, America has co-opted it for absolutely no reason?

They're def' not ,
Def not been lied into ,
Def not been cast aside while ,
Def not lost family to ,
Def not been hollowed out by that and and ,
Def not had invaded and elections rigged,
Def not seen their govts torture of real journalists like ,
Def not had another rigged primary against .

Stay safe.

#demoralised #phonyWars #bankerbailouts #opoids #corporations #offshore #abuseWorkers #environments #privacy #assange #sanders

Last updated 5 years ago