Full time union worker committing to the 1% monthly income for #DSA #DemSocialist
When this old woman was growing up, productivity & pay were actually (roughly) connected. I worked hard & got raises & promotions 📈
Reagan changed all that 🙄
Now, I don't blame youngers one bit for lacking my 'work ethic' since it wouldn't do them any good whatsoever
#CapitalismKills both souls & bodies. If it was gonna do what it promises to do, it's had plenty of time. Let's try something else, sez me.
#CapitalismKills #demsocialist #antifascist
she/her, #professor specializing in #dynamicalmodeling of #behaviorsystemsthinking, #comple systems, #multiscalephenomena, #distributedcognition and #collectiveaction, #functionalist, #feminist, #union member, fundamental #humanrights, #politics, #Dem and #DemSocialist 🌹 :#solidarity: :better_#pride: 🏳️⚧️ :#neuro: ☮️😎🌵🐾🎶💃🏻 (emojis: rose, solidarity fist, progress pride flag, trans flag, neurodiversity infinity sign, peace, sunglass smiley, cactus, pet paw tracks, music notes, dancer), views are my own
#follow #following #boost #followfriday #altext #gimp
Sunlight on Grass
By Carl J Shoemaker
#professor #dynamicalmodeling #behaviorsystemsthinking #comple #multiscalephenomena #distributedcognition #collectiveaction #functionalist #feminist #union #humanrights #politics #dem #demsocialist #Solidarity #neuro #follow #following #boost #followfriday #altext #gimp
Kitchen Priestess
#DemSocialist: #LivingWages & Basic Human Rights to #SinglePayer, #Housing, #FoodJustice, & Education, No warmongering
#SmallBusiness #Entrepreneur #Nonprofit #Bookkeeper & Administrator, fledgling #Artist. AAS #Architecture, BA #Philosophy Magna Cum Laude w/ minors in #Linguistics & in #JudaicStudies.
Visit my #shophandmade page: @AhavahArielSacredArts
#ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #UrbanAg #Geology #Astronomy #Jewitch #Mysticism #Herbalism #followfriday
#demsocialist #livingwages #singlepayer #housing #foodjustice #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #NonProfit #bookkeeper #artist #architecture #philosophy #linguistics #judaicstudies #shophandmade #ClimateCrisis #sustainability #urbanag #geology #astronomy #jewitch #mysticism #herbalism #followfriday
Kitchen Priestess
#DemSocialist: #LivingWages & B#SinglePayer, #Housing, #FoodJustice, & Education,
#SmallBusiness #Entrepreneur #Nonprofit #Bookkeeper & Administrator, fledgling #Artist. AAS #Architecture, BA #Philosophy Magna Cum Laude w/ minors in #Linguistics & in #JudaicStudies.
Visit my #shophandmade page: @AhavahArielSacredArts
#ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #UrbanAg #G
#boost #follow #followfriday #altext
#demsocialist #livingwages #housing #foodjustice #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #NonProfit #bookkeeper #artist #architecture #philosophy #linguistics #judaicstudies #shophandmade #ClimateCrisis #sustainability #urbanag #g #boost #follow #followfriday #altext
#introduction #betterlatethannever
Having retired from the educational tech field in 2021 I am very happy to be done with the rat-race that is the tech field. I enjoyed working in the K-12 environment with good teachers and energetic students, but keeping up with the torrent of changes in the tech world is something I will not miss whatsoever.
I have two adult children who are making their way in the world and making me proud of them, both for their successes as well as how they handle the difficulties they encounter.
I am a progressive heathen. Simply put I stand against the usurpation of our gods and symbols by those who would pervert them for fascist or white supremacist purposes.
I am a Democratic Socialist. Having seen the effects of capitalism, as implemented in the oligarchy that has taken over the US, I am joining with others who feel it is long past time for the resources and treasure of our nation to be used to benefit the people, not the corporate structures that bleed us to death for profits.
I am a gamer. Having enjoyed such classics as Colossal Cave Adventure, Hunt the Wumpus, and STREK back in the day, I now find myself enjoying the virtual world of Second Life and occasionally dabbling in Guild Wars and Minecraft.
I left Twitter not entirely because of the takeover. I had been considering leaving some time before that as I saw how the culture there was deteriorating. You might say that Musk was the final straw that drove me to cancel my account. I am hopeful Mastodon can become what we hoped Twitter would become. For now it looks to be the best choice among a limited number of Twitter alternatives.
#gaming #secondlife #demsocialist #progressive #heathen #pagan #retired
#introduction #betterlatethannever #gaming #secondlife #demsocialist #progressive #heathen #pagan #retired
Let’s try this again. :) I’m moving from the Fosstodon instance, so here’s another #introduction.
I’m a front end dev / #UX Engineer building sites for nonprofits and I ❤️ #CSS & #a11y.
I’m a #Joomla CMS contributor and the Experience Team lead. 🎉 (UXers, this is another #OpenSource project that needs some love!)
#DemSocialist and US expat in Greece. I have an amazing kid and spend my free time trying to remember what hobbies are because I’m #ADHD and #NeuroSpicy. ✨
Happy to be here!
#introduction #ux #css #a11y #joomla #OpenSource #demsocialist #adhd #neurospicy
Where my fellow #DSA #DemSocialist #Revolution #Bernie2020 #Progressives #MedicareForAll #WaterIsLife #IAmCannabis #IDWP people at? Showeth thine-selves! ☮️
#idwp #IamCannabis #waterislife #MedicareForAll #progressives #Bernie2020 #Revolution #demsocialist #dsa