Kurianlab · @kurianlab
83 followers · 593 posts · Server sciencemastodon.com

RT @CellReproLab
We would like to introduce Carl 1st to the world - the first cured animal with in Lund! An outcome of the REPRINT European consortium to establish proof-of-principle for new cancer immunotherapy based on in-vivo reprogramming of tumor cells to cells🎉 twitter.com/AsgardThx/status/1

#Reprogramming #dendritic

Last updated 1 year ago

Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
54 followers · 968 posts · Server mstdn.science

Severe patients have impaired plasmacytoid cell-mediated control of -CoV-2 nature.com/articles/s41467-023

#COVID19 #dendritic #sars

Last updated 2 years ago

Crysophylax · @crysophylax
18 followers · 180 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

Could and be related to the way my mind is constantly going off on tangents, because it's going through a series of thoughts about some Primary Thing, and then it makes some connection to some related Secondary Thing, and then *feels compelled* to explore that new idea? It's almost . Or . because these thought branches have their own thought branches.

Hello. I'm me from the future. I just started a new post with something about it being a new trunk, as opposed to a branch. I found this post again, because I'm trying to go back and remember what that new post was going to be about.

What I'm doing is making available to read the kind of free associative, stream of consciousness doodle typing that I should have been doing for the past 30 years just as a warmup exercise to generate ideas for things to ACTUALLY write about.

I don't know. Maybe it was laziness. Actually no, it's because I can't write with a pencil with one fifth of the speed and fluency I can at a keyboard.

I also LOATHE the sight of my handwriting. Actually, I'm ashamed of it, but I don't want to shimmy along that branch.

Anyway, what I did was unconsciously condition myself to scan every thought experience for Something To Write A Story About beginning around the age of 13. I'm literally doing it now. I keep pausing to think of examples or metaphors for things I'm talking about, and my inner attentiveness starts following it

*DING* I just had to answer a text message from a colleague who was answering a question I didn't know I didn't have to ask . Where the fuck am I?

#adhd #autism #fractal #dendritic #becauseautism

Last updated 2 years ago

What is going on with our immune cells after COVID-19 infection?

This thread will explore some of the impacts of on our system even after people are recovered including:
- Missing naive -cells
- Exhausted T-cells
- Loss of -cell maturation
- Hyper-activated response
- Immune system is impeded post-infection
- persists 8+ months
- and dysfunction of cells

🧵 1/

#covid #infection #immune #t #b #inflammatory #immunological #dysfunction #depletion #dendritic

Last updated 2 years ago

halama_immuno · @halama_immuno
259 followers · 1041 posts · Server mstdn.science

How complex becomes in clinical translation: consider that not only the timing of but also the localization (arm versus flanks) can have an impact on efficacy and effect in terms of activation of cells, presentation and effector stimulation... rhythm and , with summary for timings here:

#immunology #vaccination #dendritic #antigen #lymphocyte #circadian #Localization

Last updated 2 years ago

| A TAXONOMICAL RETHINK 🤔 | Reclassifying as# | 🗣

"With respect to their ontogeny, emerging data support a lymphoid origin of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), which seem to share a developmental trajectory with B cells. By contrast, conventional dendritic cells (DCs) have a myeloid origin in the common dendritic cell progenitor.

#immunity #plasmacytoid #dendritic #cells #innate #lymphocytes

Last updated 2 years ago