'“The idol was carved during an era of great climate change, when early forests were spreading across a warmer late glacial to postglacial Eurasia,” Terberger tells Franz Lidz of the New York Times. “The landscape changed, and the art—figurative designs and naturalistic animals painted in caves and carved in rock—did, too, perhaps as a way to help people come to grips with the challenging environments they encountered.”
According to Sarah Cascone of Artnet News, the findings indicate that the rare artwork predates Stonehenge, which was created around 5,000 years ago, by more than 7,000 years. It’s also twice as old as the Egyptian pyramids, which date to roughly 4,500 years ago.'
#Prehistory #Dendrochronology #Sculpture #ShigirIdol #histodons
#prehistory #dendrochronology #sculpture #shigiridol #histodons
Yes, a second edition, after a very nice one in Amsterdam! Published papers of that one: https://brill.com/view/journals/ijwc/ijwc-overview.xml
From Forests to Heritage Conference brings together researchers studying forests, #timber and #wooden #cultural #heritage. Contributions can cover: #forest #research, forest #ecology, architectural #history, cultural heritage studies, #dendrochronology, art history, and literature studies, #archaeology or others.
Helsinki, Finland: 28th to 31st May 2024!
#timber #wooden #cultural #heritage #forest #research #ecology #History #dendrochronology #archaeology
@RonaldVisser ja! Gespot! #dendrochronology #blankenheim
#dendrochronology #blankenheim
À la rencontre de l'If de Fortingal, un des arbres les plus vieux du monde. Probablement plus de 5000 ans. On ne reste pas de marbre devant une vie aussi longue, surtout quand on a étudié l'Holocène...
Meet the Fortingal Yew, one of the oldest trees in the world. Probably more than 5000 years old. We don't remain unmoved by such a long life, especially when we have studied the Holocene...
#ecosse #scotland #tree #arbres #archaeology #dendrochronology #geomorphology
How it started and how it's going, Latvian #hillfort in Lelindricas edition. The sequence of uncovering wooden constructions of a rampart in our test pit (1 × 3 m).
At first we thought it was just a burnt tree trunk. Then it became clear we were dealing with woden construction. Now we hope for at least #radiocarbon dates if not some #dendrochronology.
#hillfort #radiocarbon #dendrochronology
A new episode of Muskian Twitter destruction?
Dendrochronologists wanting to move to Mastodon? There is a list for dendrochronologists at
Please add yourself! We can continue the dendro-community on Mastodon
#dendrochronology #treering
I have compiled a small list of #rstats
packages for #dendrochronology and #tree-#ring analysis.
This might help people to find the right software for #openscience and #reproducible #research
Please, let me know if I missed something!
#rstats #dendrochronology #tree #ring #openscience #reproducible #research
On my way to the BES #Trees4CBP symposium in Canterbury to present ‘Revealing cultural histories of Scottish woodlands: for restoration and engaging communities’ and to listen to the great range of speakers.
Good to see a few other speakers from Scotland in the programme.
#reforestingscotland #landscapearchaeology #landscapehistory #scotland #mull #dendrochronology #thicktrunktuesday #trees4cbp
I really enjoyed teaching the annual class with the basics of #wood research and #dendrochronology to #archaeology students at Saxion again! Measuring and drawing short curves by hand and compare them with a chronology.
#wood #dendrochronology #archaeology
One of many characterful ancient oaks at Lochwood in Dumfriesshire, Scotland for #thicktrunktuesday
Within the wood, a motte and a ruined medieval castle hark back to the glory days of Clan Johnstone. Dendrochronology has revealed tree-ring records back to the 1500s but some Lochwood oaks are probably older. #scotland #dendrochronology #oak
#oak #dendrochronology #scotland #thicktrunktuesday
The Dalkeith Old Oaks near Edinburgh include ‘The Michael’ named after King James IV’s massive flagship. Records show planks were sent from this woodland to Newhaven harbour when The Michael was being built in the early 1500s.
Dendrochronological analysis of deadwood samples from other Dalkeith Old Oaks provided a tree-ring record back to the middle 1500s, the earlier trees probably having been felled or coppiced before then.
#scotland #oak #dendrochronology #thicktrunktuesday
I’m so happy at the prospect of working with Trees for Life on their Wild Pine project.
Yesterday I visited TfL senior ecologist James Rainey at the Dundreggan Rewilding Centre to discuss how dendrochronology can help identify unrecorded remnant ancient Caledonian pinewoods.
James, and Alasdair Firth of Woodland Trust Scotland, were taught to take core samples. I look forward to analysing samples they will collect at a range of key relict West Highland pine sites. #dendrochronology #rewilding
The Wallace Oak, Port Glasgow, Scotland: the remains of this medieval oak have been saved for the nation by The Society of William Wallace & Clan Hunter and are soon to be on public display at Hunterston Castle.
Wallace was chained to this tree after his capture according to a longstanding local tradition. I am honoured to have been involved and am so impressed by the tireless work of SOWW. Great article by George Mair in The Scotsman #dendrochronology #oak #heritage #tree #Scotland
#scotland #tree #heritage #oak #dendrochronology
"Marking time.
Radiocarbon timestamps left in ancient tree rings by cosmic ray bombardments can date historical events with unprecedented precision"
This is a great read of how Miyake-events can be used to combine #dendrochronology and #14C for precise dating of historical events. The cosmic events lead to world wide records dated to a year.
#dendrochronology #14c #archaeology #treering
#Dendrochronology meets #astrophysics. #science is amazing and is even more amazing when disciplines come together. https://www.science.org/content/article/marking-time-cosmic-ray-storms-can-pin-precise-dates-history-ancient-egypt-vikings
#dendrochronology #astrophysics #science
Radiocarbon traces left in tree rings by cosmic ray blasts are making it possible to date many historic events and ruins with remarkable accuracy.
#CosmicRays #TreeRings #MiyakeEvents #dendrochronology #history #archaeology
#archaeology #history #dendrochronology #miyakeevents #treerings #cosmicrays
A project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNFS) is using mummy labels to help reconstruct the #climate of Roman Egypt. #dendrochronology https://www.heritagedaily.com/2023/04/ancient-mummy-labels-help-to-reconstruct-climate-of-roman-egypt/146786
A project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNFS) is using mummy labels to help reconstruct the #climate of Roman Egypt. #dendrochronology https://www.heritagedaily.com/2023/04/ancient-mummy-labels-help-to-reconstruct-climate-of-roman-egypt/146786
#CAA2023Ams After lunch I will present my paper: "Dendrochronological networks: from time series to networks and back to spatio-temporal patterns again" in session "S12. Chronological modelling: formal methods and research software"
#caa2023ams #archaeology #dendrochronology #network #networkanalysis
March 20, 1962, died #OTD, American astronomer Andrew Ellicott Douglas. Recognizing the influence of solar input on tree growth, he uses ancient wood samples to date 2 archaeological sites, the beginning of #dendrochronology 🌲