In honor of Dee Bradley Baker's birthday today, here's a bit featuring his voice as #BobaFett alongside #Dengar in #LEGO #StarWars "The Freemaker Adventures - Legends of the Star Wars Universe" released in 2016
More info on Dee's role in Fett history:
#dailyfett #bobafettfanclub #starwars #lego #dengar #bobafett
"Sometimes it’s better to think rather than speak." – #BobaFett to #Dengar
"Twin Engines of Destruction" was written by Andy Mangels
Originally published as a single issue by Dark Horse in 1997, it actually debuted in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine #5-8 (1995-6)
The fan-favorite comic is getting another reprint in "Star Wars Legends The New Republic Omnibus Volume 2" coming soon from Marvel
#dailyfett #starwars #dengar #bobafett
El 14 de febrero de 1970 nace el actor Simon Pegg, Unkar Plutt en Star Wars: The Force Awakens y Dengar en Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
On February 14, 1970, actor Simon Pegg, Unkar Plutt in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Dengar in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, was born.
#dengar #unkarplutt #simonpegg #starwars
Bounty hunters caroling by artist Tyler Scarlet, who had the opportunity to make this for Lucasfilm employees in 2013
Don't miss looking at Bossk's sheet of music
#Dengar #Boushh #IG88 #BobaFett #Zuckuss #Bossk #4LOM #StarWars #Christmas
#christmas #starwars #4lom #bossk #zuckuss #bobafett #ig88 #Boushh #dengar