Even with new Sonic news, we still have an Individual show to air, and that's on in less than 10 minutes!
RT @HammanNicolaas
It's only second time going LiVE, but through Individual I'm covering Tadashi Kinukawa, so tune in in about 10 minutes for talks and music of #PhantasyStarZero, #MarioandSonicattheSochi2014OlympicWinterGames, #DengekiBunkoFightingClimax and more!
#phantasystarzero #marioandsonicatthesochi2014olympicwintergames #dengekibunkofightingclimax
It's only second time going LiVE, but through Individual I'm covering Tadashi Kinukawa, so tune in in about 10 minutes for talks and music of #PhantasyStarZero, #MarioandSonicattheSochi2014OlympicWinterGames, #DengekiBunkoFightingClimax and more!
#phantasystarzero #marioandsonicatthesochi2014olympicwintergames #dengekibunkofightingclimax
Next episode of #RSIndividual w/ @HammanNicolaas this Wednesday at 6PM GMT! Ft. the games and music thereof of #TadashiKinukawa.
#PhantasyStar #PhantasyStarOnline
#Sonic #Yakuza #PuyoPuyo
#UtaKumi575 #DengekiBunkoFightingClimax
#RSIndividual #tadashikinukawa #PhantasyStar #phantasystaronline #sonic #yakuza #puyopuyo #utakumi575 #dengekibunkofightingclimax