dubaro · @dubaro
117 followers · 269 posts · Server kinky.business

well the first poll is over. are these balls enjoying the result? absolutely not! but i'm having a great time. you can definitely expect some more polls in the future😁

thank you to all who voted! i expect a good number of doms voted but tbh the thought of some frustrated, denied sub out there maybe feeling a spark of dom joy voting in this is preeetty hot too. if you voted to save me, i owe you 😘

now all that's left is to determine the length of my sweet suffering. it's a close race!

the poll is here, consider those votes carefully now ;)

#denialfetish #edge #edgedup #edged #gooning #cumshot #cum #dickandballs #bigballs

Last updated 1 year ago

dubaro · @dubaro
114 followers · 259 posts · Server kinky.business

so. tomorrow it'll have been a full week of edging every day without that sweet release. i put my fate in your hands:

can i cum tomorrow or must this torture go on longer?

i'll reply with a second poll with options for how much time to add, feel free to vote in both polls regardless of your choice in the first.

#edging #denialfetish #cum #cumdenial #cumshot

Last updated 1 year ago