#HarrisonFloyd, lone #Georgia election #RICO defendant still in jail, #denied bond by judge
> #Floyd, charged for his part in the alleged soliciting of false statements from election worker #RubyFreeman, did not have a prearranged bond.
#trumpindictment #FaniWillis #rubyfreeman #floyd #denied #rico #Georgia #harrisonfloyd
Federal #Judge Denies #MarkMeadows, #JeffClark Bids To Stave Off #Arrest in #FultonCounty
US Dist Judge Steve C. Jones for the Northern Dist of #Georgia had heard separate requests from both fmr WH Chief of Staff Mark #Meadows & #Trump-era #DOJ crony #JeffreyClark for an emergency order that would stop them from having to report to #jail….
Jones #denied both, saying in both instances that it was premature for him to rule.
#judge #markmeadows #jeffclark #arrest #fultoncounty #georgia #meadows #trump #doj #jeffreyclark #jail #denied
“They Fired On Us Like Rain”: Saudis Accused of Killing Hundreds of Ethiopian Refugees at Border
We speak to the author of a new Human Rights Watch report that details how #border #guards in #Saudi #Arabia have #killed hundreds of #Ethiopian #migrants and #asylum #seekers — many of whom are fleeing human rights abuses in Ethiopia’s #Tigray region — trying to cross the #Yemen-Saudi border since March 2022. The report documents Saudi border guards #shooting #women and #children, firing #explosive #weapons at #migrants and “#executing” people at close range. Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry announced Tuesday that it will conduct a joint #investigation with the Saudi government, but Saudi Arabia has previously #denied similar #allegations. “I don’t have any faith that they would conduct an independent investigation on these #mass #killings,” says Nadia Hardman, a researcher at #HumanRights #Watch and the author of the report, titled “'They Fired on Us Like Rain.'”
#border #guards #saudi #arabia #killed #ethiopian #migrants #asylum #seekers #tigray #yemen #shooting #women #children #explosive #weapons #executing #investigation #denied #allegations #mass #killings #humanrights #watch
La ville était pleine de visiteurs à un festival gastronomique. Un groupe jouant au Status Quo tubes. J’aurais participé, mais j’avais laissé mon air-guitar à la maison. 🎸 #denied
Town jammed full with visitors to a food festival. A group playing Status Quo hits. I would have joined in, but I'd left my air-guitar at home. #denied
Was hoping for a reprieve from #panties from @goddesslivs to watch the Seahawks, Cats/Pies and the Matilda while drinking beer.
how long will we allow capitalist greed to threaten our future?
Amazon Nations Reject Colombia's Call to End Oil Extraction, Fail to Agree on Deforestation Goal
"To avoid the point of no return," argued Colombian President Gustavo Petro, "we need an ambitious transnational policy to phase out fossil fuels."
#climatecrisis #policy #phaseout #fossilfuel #denied #extractivism #greed #businessasusual #worldburns
#climatecrisis #policy #phaseout #fossilfuel #denied #extractivism #greed #businessasusual #worldburns
Saturday federal US District Judge Tanya #Chutkan #denied a request from #Trump’s #legal team for a deadline #extension over the handling of #evidence in the #2020election subversion case.
Trump’s lawyers will have to respond by Mon afternoon to the #DOJ’s proposal for a #ProtectiveOrder.
#JudgeChutkan #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith #Law #Crime #WitnessIntimidation #JuryTampering #Criminal #Conspiracy #Obstruction #Jan6 #FakeElectors
#chutkan #denied #trump #legal #extension #evidence #2020election #doj #protectiveorder #judgechutkan #specialcounsel #jacksmith #law #crime #witnessintimidation #jurytampering #criminal #conspiracy #obstruction #jan6 #fakeelectors
The worst part about working on a team developing a custom ERP is that nobody else on it has an understanding of ERP
Case in point: A coworker just asked to add a PO currency option for Euros despite the fact the underlying non-custom accounting system only supports using USD
Where #ClarenceThomas Entered an #Elite ircle and Opened a Door to the #Court. The exclusive #HoratioAlgerAssociation brought the justice access to wealthy members and unreported #VIP treatment. He, in turn, offered another kind of #access.https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/09/us/clarence-thomas-horatio-alger-association.html The deep, wide long term impactful influence on control by rich white men waped #SCOTUS brought us to this point. How many articles must be written before we comprehend the stark reality of the words - #democracy and #justice #denied
#clarencethomas #elite #court #horatioalgerassociation #vip #access #SCOTUS #Democracy #justice #denied
My Princess has been on a business trip since monday and she obviously forbade her toy from touching himself when she is not watching..
Oh lord, how difficult it has been to think about anything but my cock these days 😖
Ug. She just clarified that regardless of my mental state at the time of the transaction, buying a donkey at all would be considered a bad move.
This is some serious butt-hurt. This author is VERY angry that Tennessee's drag ban was ruled Unconstitutional by a Trump-appointed judge. Because reasons.
#GOPfascists #lgbtq #tennessee #dragbans #denied
#DavePhillips ( #dp) - #SARS #CoV2 Is A #Vaccine | Underlying The #Vast #Ruin This #Civilization Has Caused, Is Not #HumanNature, But The #Opposite #Human #Nature #Denied | #MiscMusic | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZbId2iyKGo
#MiscMusic #denied #nature #human #opposite #humannature #civilization #ruin #vast #vaccine #CoV2 #SARS #dp #davephillips
#DavePhillips ( #dp) - Most #Events Are #Unsayable, Occur In A #Space That No #Word Penetrates | Underlying The #Vast #Ruin This #Civilization Has Caused, Is Not #HumanNature, But The #Opposite #Human #Nature #Denied | #MiscMusic | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY5Bv17rc2U
#MiscMusic #denied #nature #human #opposite #humannature #civilization #ruin #vast #word #space #unsayable #events #dp #davephillips