#TrueRomance was released in movie theaters 30 years ago today.
A #TonyScott and #QuentinTarantino classic.
"Long as you're not at the scene of the crime, smokin' gun in your hand, you'd get away with it. Clarence, I like you. I always have. Always will"
#trueromance #tonyscott #QuentinTarantino #christianslater #patriciaarquette #dennishopper #valkilmer #garyoldman #bradpitt #ChristopherWalken #samuelljackson #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
Gizmodo: Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo's Super Mario Bros. Movie Returns https://gizmodo.com/bob-hoskins-john-leguizamo-super-mario-bros-movie-4k-1850737145 #thesupermariobrosmovie #entertainmentculture #fictionalturtles #mushroomkingdom #supermariobros #samanthamathis #johnleguizamo #princessdaisy #portalfantasy #humaninterest #dennishopper #koopatroopa #bobhoskins #nintendo #mario #luigi #koopa
#thesupermariobrosmovie #entertainmentculture #fictionalturtles #mushroomkingdom #supermariobros #samanthamathis #johnleguizamo #princessdaisy #portalfantasy #humaninterest #dennishopper #koopatroopa #bobhoskins #nintendo #mario #luigi #koopa
#ApocalypseNow was released in movie theaters 44 years ago today.
The Ride of the Valkyries.
#ApocalypseNow #marlonbrando #martinsheen #robertduvall #laurencefishburne #harrisonford #dennishopper #scottglenn #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
Gizmodo: Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo's Super Mario Bros. Movie Returns https://gizmodo.com/bob-hoskins-john-leguizamo-super-mario-bros-movie-4k-1850737145 #thesupermariobrosmovie #entertainmentculture #fictionalturtles #mushroomkingdom #supermariobros #samanthamathis #johnleguizamo #princessdaisy #portalfantasy #humaninterest #dennishopper #koopatroopa #bobhoskins #nintendo #mario #luigi #koopa
#thesupermariobrosmovie #entertainmentculture #fictionalturtles #mushroomkingdom #supermariobros #samanthamathis #johnleguizamo #princessdaisy #portalfantasy #humaninterest #dennishopper #koopatroopa #bobhoskins #nintendo #mario #luigi #koopa
#Speed was released in movie theaters 29 years ago today.
One of my all-time favorite popcorn movies. A wild ride!
Payne: "Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?"
#speed #keanureeves #sandrabullock #dennishopper #joemorton #jeffdaniels #alanruck #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
#RodSerling was an unmitigated futurist geniius. And he put it all down on cellulose triacetate for us to watch and pay attention. This episode is from 1963, 60 years ago. #DennisHopper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hQvBIyOC6Y&t=276s
#Bales2023FilmChallenge May 22: A seaside town for #NationalMaritimeDay
Night Tide (#CurtisHarrington, 1961): on the #SantaMonica pier, sailor Johnny (#DennisHopper) falls in love with one of the attractions of the local sideshow, Mora the Mermaid. As people warn Johnny about the faith of Mora's previous suitors, captivated, he becomes convinced that she is a real siren, planning his downfall.
☞ https://write.underworld.fr/settima/night-tide-1961
#mermaids #Thelema #film #cinema #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalmaritimeday #santamonica #dennishopper #curtisharrington #mermaids #thelema #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
59 years ago today:
S5E31: The Dark Past
Moody bounty hunter, Dev Farnum, shows up on the Ponderosa, where the Cartwrights are harboring the wife of the man he is after.
Airdate: 1964-05-03
#Bonanza #LorneGreene #DennisHopper #NBC #tvshows
#bonanza #lornegreene #dennishopper #nbc #tvshows
🎬 "Blue Velvet" is the most American of modern American films. #DavidLynch (1986).
#movies #DennisHopper #cinema #DeanStockwell #KyleMcLachlan #LauraDern #IsabellaRossellini #neonoir #NorthCarolina #Horror #classic #TCMParty
#TCMParty #classic #horror #northcarolina #neonoir #isabellarossellini #LauraDern #kylemclachlan #DeanStockwell #cinema #dennishopper #Movies #davidlynch
3 things about Bob Rafelson’s HEAD [1968]
1. Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.
2. Cameos by Jack Nicholson *and* Dennis Hopper.
3. “Atta boy, Mike, atta boy.”
#3things #movies #themonkees #musicials #1968 #JackNicholson #DennisHopper
#dennishopper #jacknicholson #musicials #TheMonkees #Movies #3Things
35 years ago:
Colors (US)
A confident young cop is shown the ropes by a veteran partner in the dangerous gang-controlled barrios of Los Angeles, where the gang culture is enforced by the colors the members wear.
#Colors #DennisHopper #SeanPenn #RobertDuvall #MaríaConchitaAlonso #Movies
#colors #dennishopper #seanpenn #robertduvall #mariaconchitaalonso #movies
33 years ago:
Catchfire (US)
A witness to a mob assassination flees for her life from town to town, switching identities, but cannot seem to elude Milo, the chief killer out to get her.
#Catchfire #AlanSmithee #DennisHopper #JodieFoster #DeanStockwell #ClassicMovies
#catchfire #alansmithee #dennishopper #jodiefoster #deanstockwell #classicmovies
Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews: SUPER MARIO BROS.
#BrandonTenold #BrandonsCultMovieReviews #SuperMarioBros #90sscifi #DennisHopper #JohnLeguizamo #BobHoskins
#brandontenold #brandonscultmoviereviews #supermariobros #90sscifi #dennishopper #johnleguizamo #bobhoskins
“¡Estás loco! ¡Estás jodidamente loco!”
“Los pobres están locos, Jack. Yo, soy excéntrico.”
- Jack Traven & Howard Payne, Speed (1994)
#Speed #KeanuReeves #SandraBullock #DennisHopper #JeffDaniels #JandeBont
#speed #keanureeves #sandrabullock #dennishopper #jeffdaniels #jandebont
On March 14, 2015, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was screened at the Offscreen Film Festival. Here’s a sketch of Dustin Hoffman on a Post-It note to mark the occasion!
#TheTexasChainsawMassacre2 #TobeHooper #DennisHopper #HorrorMovie #BlackComedy #SlasherMovie #CultFIlm #80sMovies #HorrorComedy #HorrorArt #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory #TCMUnderground
#thetexaschainsawmassacre2 #tobehooper #dennishopper #horrormovie #blackcomedy #slashermovie #cultfilm #80smovies #horrorcomedy #horrorart #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory #tcmunderground
Ein Film mit Rockmusik
Ein Film mit #Campino
Ein Film mit #DennisHopper
Ein Film von #WimWenders
*Abend gerettet* 😋
#palermoshooting #wimwenders #dennishopper #campino
Allez : Avec la sortie prochaine du nouveau film d'animation #SuperMario au #Cinéma, j'ai envie de croire que @Meeea a prévu d'en profiter pour nous préparer une petite #CritiqueNostalgique de Super Mario Bros : le film 🤩
Sorti en 1993, j'en garde un assez bon souvenir de #Nanar avec un #BobHoskins râleur au possible et #DennisHopper cabotinant comme jamais.
Une vision plutôt éloignée du consensus qui consiste généralement à ressasser combien ce film incarnerait le #Navet ultime 🤔
#navet #dennishopper #bobhoskins #nanar #critiquenostalgique #cinema #supermario
DI.07.03. 20.15 Uhr
in der restaurierten Originalfassung mit Untertiteln bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#apocalypsenow #francisfordcoppola #martinsheen #robertduvall #dennishopper #harrisonford #marlonbrando #laurencefishburne
#apocalypsenow #francisfordcoppola #martinsheen #robertduvall #dennishopper #harrisonford #marlonbrando #laurencefishburne
SPEED – 5 Movie Clips + Retro Trailer (1994) Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock Action Movie HD https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1652327/global-beauties/
#actionmovie #dennishopper #dennishopperspeed #JandeBont #jandebontspeed #jeffdanielsspeed #joblo #joblomovieclips #KeanuReeves #keanureevesspeed #SandraBullock #sandrabullockspeed #speedactionscene #speedmovie #speedmovieclips #サンドラ・ブロック
#actionmovie #dennishopper #dennishopperspeed #jandebont #jandebontspeed #jeffdanielsspeed #joblo #joblomovieclips #keanureeves #keanureevesspeed #sandrabullock #sandrabullockspeed #speedactionscene #speedmovie #speedmovieclips #サンドラ・ブロック
Der schnellste Film der 90'er rockt heute immer noch:
Speed (1994) mit #KeanuReeves #SandraBullock & #DennisHopper
#ActionFilm #Klasser mit #PraticalEffects immer noch eine klare #FilmEmpfehlung #MastoCinema #CineMastodon #MastoFilm #Neunziger
#cinemastodon #keanureeves #sandrabullock #dennishopper #actionfilm #klasser #praticaleffects #filmempfehlung #mastocinema #mastofilm #Neunziger