Former Hong Kong legislator #DennisKwok #郭榮鏗 speaking at the University of Tokyo on what leads to Hong Kong’s current situation. Prominent political commentator #JosephLian #練乙錚 also shared his views on the general wrong conceptions on Xi Jinping and his predecessors.
#練乙錚 #josephlian #郭榮鏗 #denniskwok
R to @hkdc_us: Most pro-democracy party leaders are in prison or in exile. In the case of Civic Party alone, 5 are/were on trial: #AlvinYeung #JeremyTam #KwokKaKi #LeeYueShun in the infamous #NSL47 trial & #MargaretNg in the #612HumanitarianReliefFund trial, while #DennisKwok has left #HongKong
#alvinyeung #jeremytam #kwokkaki #leeyueshun #nsl47 #margaretng #612humanitarianrelieffund #denniskwok #hongkong