Dennis Lehane: "Der Versuch, über schmerzhafte Themen zu reden, gilt auf einmal als Sünde" #SekundenderGnade #DennisLehane #Debatte #Debatte #N-Wort #Roman #NOZ
#NOZ #roman #n #debatte #dennislehane #sekundendergnade
„Regenzauber“ von #DennisLehane war leider vorhersehbar und kam nie über das Mittelmaß hinaus. Schade, Lehane kann‘s normalerweise besser. Zum Ende hin habe ich das Buch mehr überflogen als es genussvoll oder gespannt zu lesen. #Bücher #Thriller #Leselust
#LeseLust #thriller #bucher #dennislehane
#AmReading Dennis Lehane's Small Mercies and all I can think is holy f---. Mary Pat is a one-woman army and I am so here for this. Anybody else read this?
#amreading #dennislehane #smallmercies
#AppleTVPlus → Gesamtvertrag mit #DennisLehane + weitere Serie von ihm in Planung
#MakeOrBreak S2
World premieres:
#StephenCurry: #Underrated @ #Sundance
2 #Oscar nominations
2 #GLAADMediaAwards nominations
#BillCamp & #ElizabethMarvel in #PresumedInnocent
#AmyRyan in #Wolves
Other news:
#DennisLehane's exclusive overall deal
#dennislehane #wolves #amyryan #presumedinnocent #ElizabethMarvel #billcamp #glaadmediaawards #oscar #sundance #underrated #stephencurry #makeorbreak
#MakeOrBreak S2
World premieres:
#StephenCurry: #Underrated @ #Sundance
2 #Oscar nominations
2 #GLAADMediaAwards nominations
#BillCamp & #ElizabethMarvel in #PresumedInnocent
#AmyRyan in #Wolves
Other news:
#DennisLehane's exclusive overall deal
#dennislehane #wolves #amyryan #presumedinnocent #ElizabethMarvel #billcamp #glaadmediaawards #oscar #sundance #underrated #stephencurry #makeorbreak
Also in development by #DennisLehane is #SmallMercies, which is set in the housing projects of “Southie” during the long, hot summer of 1974 when the city of Boston attempted to desegregate its public schools, a decision that led to violent conflicts.
#DennisLehane (#BlackBird creator), has signed an exclusive overall deal to develop & produce original series for the streamer, and give Apple a first-look for feature films.
Lehane's next project at Apple is the already announced #Firebug.
Starring #TaronEgerton, the series follows a troubled detective and an enigmatic arson investigator as they pursue the trails of two serial arsonists.
#taronegerton #firebug #blackbird #dennislehane
@geekaren @WallyStevens @bookstodon the Kenzie-Gennaro mystery series by #DennisLehane.
#bookstodon Favorite authors
#thrillers #romance #mystery
#mystery #romance #thrillers #DanielSilva #sarahmaclean #lmmontgomery #robertbparker #karenrose #nalinisingh #dennislehane #bookstodon
Obviously there's way more, lol.
#dennislehane #stephenking #kurtvonnegut #dickens #steinbeck #JoeHill #bookstodon
More hashtags I'm into, as I think of them (sorry if it's getting annoying):
#radio #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #radio #AmericanFootball #baseball #tv #tvandfilm #movies #80music #90salternative #AlternativeMusic #StephenKing #DennisLehane #fictionbook #nonfictionbooks #history #UKHistory #AmericanHistory #CivilWar
#radio #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #americanfootball #baseball #tv #tvandfilm #movies #80music #90salternative #AlternativeMusic #stephenking #dennislehane #fictionbook #nonfictionbooks #history #ukhistory #americanhistory #civilwar
That’s more than 5-7, I know, but they’re all so good.
#lizmoore #annpatchett #silviamorenogarcia #tanafrench #dennislehane #atticalocke #joshilynjackson #alicehoffman #juliaheaberlin #lauramchugh #suegrafton #louisbayard #LeeChild