#31agosto #otd #cinemastodon #unocinema #filmastodon
#AccaddeOggi nel 1968 muore 60enne l'attore #DennisOKeefe è Jerry Manning l'agente che suggerisce a Kiki l'entrata con loepardo al guinzaglio ne #LUomoLeopardo https://www.desordre.it/desordre/2017/12/luomo-leopardo.html
#31agosto #otd #cinemastodon #unocinema #filmastodon #accaddeoggi #dennisokeefe #luomoleopardo
Having first encountered Dennis O’Keefe as a lead in gritty noir dramas, I’m still surprised to find him starring in light-hearted romantic comedies of the late 1930s.
Here he is with Maureen O’Sullivan in “Hold That Kiss” (1938)
#oldhollywood #dennisokeefe #maureenosullivan
Next up for #TubiTuesday is the 1950 #noir #WomanOnTheRun. It stars #AnnSheridan and #DennisOKeefe.
#tubituesday #noir #womanontherun #annsheridan #dennisokeefe