I had a dental bridge fitted yesterday. All this morning my tongue has been trying to oust the "foreign body" occupying the gap that for decades has been a place to hide beans, peas, toffee and other tooth-sized blobs. Now my cheek has joined in with an "Oi, what's this??"
Not going to get any work done with these distractions.
If you ever wondered what fully privatised #healthcare might look like in the UK, look no further than veterinary #medicine for your answer.
Of course, not all vets are money grasping exploiters of human's fondness for their pets, but equally not all private health care is disastrous... but the problem is the structures encourage (incentivise) such behaviour(s) when profit, not wellbeing becomes the key motivation for activity.
#dentistry has gone this way too!
#healthcare #medicine #dentistry
Week 2 1/2 of retouching portraits taken with a 60 megapixel camera. No one should have their portrait taken with a 60 megapixel camera. #photography #dentistry #dermatology #hairstyling
#hairstyling #dermatology #dentistry #photography
Isn't it a great feeling to eat popcorn, then brush and floss your teeth, removing all of the plaque and popcorn shells in your teeth? #Dentistry #GoodFeeling
Broken #tooth safely extracted. Enormous thanks to my fab #NHS #dentist who came in on his day off to do this for me today. Hoping for trouble free healing, and no #bisphosphonate / #osteoporosis drug related complications. But all good so far. Going back to sleep soon #neuro hopefully. And yes there was a crack running straight down the tooth as we could see after it was removed. #dental #dentistry #NHSScotland
#nhsscotland #dentistry #dental #neuro #osteoporosis #bisphosphonate #dentist #nhs #tooth
Did not expect to be down a tooth probably tomorrow (probably depending on if the #dental #hospital give approval to my #NHS #dentist, because of my #osteoporosis drugs). But huge thanks to my dentist for seeing me so quickly after I phoned up the practice this morning. He is also - approval permitting - going to come in specially on his day off to pull my tooth tomorrow. Which is very kind of him, albeit something I'd much rather wasn't happening! #dentistry #NHSScotland
#nhsscotland #dentistry #hospital #dental #osteoporosis #dentist #nhs
Lumineers Veneers in Ottawa
Welcome to Urban Dental Centre in Ottawa! Transform your smile with our expert Lumineers Veneers and Dentures services. Achieve the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality with our top-notch dental solutions.
#teeth #teethremoval #appointment #dental #dentistry #Ottawa
#ottawa #dentistry #dental #appointment #teethremoval #teeth
If you have a mouthguard, don't break it! I dropped mine the other day and broke it in half. Went to the dentist today tog get a new one, and it's going to set me back $785 :(
У ребенка сломался зуб? 🥵 Расскажем, что делать!
Актуальная тема для последнего месяца лета – дети очень активны и даже неуклюжи 😵💫
⏭ Если отломана только часть зуба, то необходимо найти все остатки, промыть их минеральной водой, собрать в пакетик и срочно записаться на приём к стоматологу.
⏭ Если выпал весь зуб, то нужно его найти, также промыть и вставить обратно в лунку, из которой он выпал. ВАЖНО❗ Нельзя брать зуб за его корень – только за коронку (та часть, которую мы видим при улыбке). И, конечно, с такой же скоростью бежать к врачу занимать ближайшее окно.
Самое главное в таких ситуациях – оперативность и спокойствие. В «Стоматико» наши врачи комфортно для ребёнка проведут лечение и зафиксируют поврежденные зубики 💙 #stomatolog #стоматология #стоматолог #зубы #виниры #лечениезубов #dental #dentist #dentistry #улыбка #протезированиезубов #smile #отбеливаниезубов #emax #dentallab #брекеты #здоровье #зуб #металлокерамика #имплантация #красиваяулыбка #чистказубов #зубнои #зубнойтехник #stomatology #импланты #отбеливание
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#stomatolog #стоматология #стоматолог #зубы #виниры #лечениезубов #dental #dentist #dentistry #улыбка #протезированиезубов #smile #отбеливаниезубов #emax #dentallab #брекеты #здоровье #зуб #металлокерамика #имплантация #красиваяулыбка #чистказубов #зубнои #зубнойтехник #stomatology #импланты #отбеливание
https://holistichealth.one/can-tooth-enamel-be-restored/ Can you grow new healthy tooth enamel and stop painful cavities naturally? Your teeth are living and growing vital organs in your body. Just like your bones they can be re-mineralized with the right holistic approach. Your teeth are not dead, or else they would not feel pain! Use these proven methods to restore tooth enamel, stop acids from eating away your tooth enamel and causing receding gum line and gingivitis. Improves your smile and oral health! #tooth #teeth #cavities #dentistry #holistic
#tooth #teeth #cavities #dentistry #holistic
My wisdom teeth were removed with no real problems at all! I'm feeling pretty alright with like...no swelling at all and I'd say minimal pain so far. I have Ibuprofin and Hydrocodone to help me out when it gets a bit rough, and my partner's here for the next few days to look over me and take care of me and stuff.
I was VERY anxious leading up to this, especially because my computer shit the bed this week and I spent a LOT of money on data recovery that will hopefully recover a lot of my data. We'll see. But it's been a pretty alright recovery so far, and I'm sticking to all soft foods and a ROYAL FUCKTON OF PUDDING for the next while.
One thing that DID go wrong though? The oral surgeon couldn't for the life of him find a vein for the IV. He poked me at least three times and couldn't find it until he went to put it in my hand, and I was already freaking out and the heart monitor was beeping faster and-
#WisdomTeeth #dentistry #DentalWork #Health #Surgery #OralSurgery
#wisdomteeth #dentistry #dentalwork #health #surgery #oralsurgery
#prescriptions #England https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/237-million-medication-errors-made-every-year-in-england/ are issues causing negative #health consequences. #Dentistry & #Pharmacy are crucial to the #health of a nation
#pharmacy #dentistry #health #england #prescriptions
I think we can certainly do a lot better - and that starts (as we agree) on better funding for the #NHS.
Dentisry is not just an inconvenient example, its a very clear lesson about what the future holds if the logic of #Tory #health 'policy' is allowed to continue.
What would be useful would be an Inquiry into the disaster of #dentistry with a clear remit to draw conclusions about what this indicates for the UK's strategy for #healthcare more generally
#nhs #tory #health #dentistry #healthcare
The problem this would encounter seems pretty well set out in the plight of UK #dentistry - a basic NHS provision, linked to private elective work, has been progressively defined until few dentists can really provide the basic element on the the terms now offered.
The problem with any mixed system, is the line between the two elements can become subject of slow but dangerous attrition.... so for my money aa comprehensive as possible NHS remains the best bet!
"In 2019 around four million people were unable to access an NHS dentist – the latest figures found that 12 million people have been unable to get an appointment. And many patients can’t afford to pay for NHS care even if they can access it, as the government has increased NHS dental charges by 8.5%"
Today's Guardian briefing examines the awful state of British dentistry, 'dental deserts' and people resorting to pulling out their own teeth.
#NHS #Dentistry #ToryBritain
https://holisticdentistry.one/best-natural-toothpaste/ What is the Best Natural Toothpaste? The Best natural toothpaste uses the natural alkalizing and tooth enamel restoring nutrient Nano Hydroxyapatite. By keeping your teeth clean (including your gums and oral health) you can help prevent painful dental cavities (caries) and gingivitis (gum disease.) The best natural toothpaste uses the best ingredients that keep your mouth pH at the correct level (more alkaline as acids erode your tooth enamel and cause tooth decay.) #toothpaste #dentistry #dental #fluoride #hydroxyapatite
#toothpaste #dentistry #dental #fluoride #hydroxyapatite
People forced to pull out their own teeth amid NHS dental crisis, report finds | The Independent
#dentistry #DIYDentistry #nhs #DentistShortage
MPs demand #dentistry overhaul as patients resort to DIY treatment - https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jul/14/mps-demand-urgent-reform-nhs-dental-services-report #ToryPoliciesInAction #Health #NHSEngland #NHS #England
#england #nhs #NHSEngland #health #torypoliciesinaction #dentistry
Japanese researcher's 'tooth regrowth' treatment to begin human trials https://interestingengineering.com/science/tooth-regrowth-treatment-human-trials
#tech #biology #dentistry #Health