Blue Jackets’ Prospects Summer Update: Denton Mateychuk
Welcome back to our prospect's check-in series for the summer of 2023 for the Columbus Blue Jackets. We are checking in with notable prospects throughout the organization.
In case you missed the last part of the series, we took a ...
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#BlueJacketsProspects #ColumbusBlueJackets #WHL #DentonMateychuk
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#BlueJacketsProspects #ColumbusBlueJackets #whl #dentonmateychuk #nhl #hockey The Columbus Blue Jackets Are Going to Be a PROBLEM! #2023NHLDraft #AdamFantilli #BlueJacketsHockey #ColumbusBlueJackets #DavidJiricek #DentonMateychuk #EasternConference #GavinBrindley #JohnnyGaudreau #KentJohnson #MetropolitanDivision #PatrikLaine #ZachWerenski
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