¡DOOM Eternal manda a paseo #Denuvo! Sube el rendimiento en la #SteamDeck. A mi, con mi maquinote, me va de puta madre. Supongo que no notare gran cambio.
This update #removes #Denuvo Anti-Tamper from DOOM Eternal
Hace tiempo jugué a la demo de #DetroitBecomeHuman en mi antiguo PC (me iba el juego regular tirando a mal) y me dejó muy interesado. Ahora estoy jugandolo y, sin duda, es el mejor juego narrativo al que he jugado. Consigue que sea muy inmersiva la historia con sus mecánicas. Muy bueno. En #Epic está sin #Denuvo (eso dice #pcgamingwiki). En #Steam ni idea.
#detroitbecomehuman #epic #denuvo #pcgamingwiki #steam
The #story of #Nintendo and a #paperclip
(Or #tweezers for #wii .. Or a #magnet for #3DS ... Ooor another metal #object for the #nds / #NintendoDS )
#story #nintendo #paperclip #tweezers #wii #magnet #3ds #object #nds #nintendods #denuvo
📬 MKDEV arbeitet trotz Denuvo am Crack von FIFA 23
#Denuvo #Gaming #Szene #Warez #FIFA23 #FIFA23UltimateEdition #FootballManager2023 #Mkdev #p2pgroup #Steam https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/gaming/mkdev-arbeitet-trotz-denuvo-am-crack-von-fifa-23-279961.html
#denuvo #gaming #szene #warez #FIFA23 #fifa23ultimateedition #FootballManager2023 #Mkdev #P2PGroup #steam
Don't like that!
Nintendo Switch Gets Official Denuvo Support To Curb PC Emulation https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nintendo-switch-gets-official-denuvo-support-to-curb-pc-emulation/1100-6517127/?ftag=CAD-01-10abi2f
#Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Denuvo #PC #Emulation #GamingNews
#Nintendo #nintendoswitch #denuvo #PC #emulation #gamingnews
Oh, fuck off. #Denuvo is now available on #NintendoSwitch...
The Integrity Verification feature ensures attackers are unable to alter the protected game code before startup or during gameplay, fortifying gaming studios against potential tampering threats. Its seamless integration capabilities and flexibility make it an invaluable asset for gaming studios, catering to various use cases where customers seek to protect their proprietary code.
#GOG, #DRM et #Denuvo !
#Starfield passe en GOLD ! #JeuxVideo #Gaming #XboxSeries
#gog #drm #denuvo #starfield #jeuxvideo #gaming #xboxseries
📬 Empress arbeitet am Denuvo-Crack von Judgement
#Szene #Warez #Denuvo #Empress #Judgement #RGGStudio #RyuGaGotokuStudio #TakayukiYagami #TojoClan #Yakuza https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/szene/warez/empress-arbeitet-am-denuvo-crack-von-judgement-279485.html
#szene #warez #denuvo #empress #judgement #rggstudio #ryugagotokustudio #takayukiyagami #tojoclan #yakuza
So ... #whatever #happened to this #nintendo / #NintendoSwitch #Denuvo thing ?
#whatever #happened #nintendo #nintendoswitch #denuvo
This is a pretty funny way to hilight their nonsense, it makes me reconsider buying anything #ASUS after seeing the deceptive marketing and bad logic.
By design excluding #eac and #denuvo there's no need for antivirus on a immutible handheld.
#asus #eac #denuvo #SteamDeck #memes
#Denuvo wants to convince you its #DRM isn’t “evil” https://arstechnica.com/?p=1952123
Ars Technica: Denuvo wants to convince you its DRM isn’t “evil” https://arstechnica.com/?p=1952123 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Anti-Piracy #Gaming #denuvo #irdeto #piracy #DRM
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #anti #Gaming #denuvo #irdeto #piracy #drm
I went to go see if Ghostwire: Tokyo was on sale, and was like "hey maybe I'll pick it up"
-Scroll down to see if the reviews hold up after everyone kinda treated it as a punching bag on release since people usually mellow out over time and give more measured takes on a game
-See that it has #Denuvo
-"Wait why is it on my wishlist then?"
-They added Denuvo DRM to the game A YEAR AFTER THE GAME RELEASED
fuck's sake man, now I have to be weary of publishers adding Denuvo post-release? Fuck AAA.