Yesterday I made a little progress on my web game. I learned a lot and figured some things out. But not a lot of "changes on the screen". Today - more of that, perhaps more playing with #kaboomjs
I am making a game called #denweaver - and what's cool is that I'm treating this project like a garden. I'm cultivating it a little every day as I go. I'm going to put everything I can think of into it. Slow, relentless, incremental progress is the key to success.
Weekend #gamedev goals - get something approaching an actual gameplay experience. Clean up code some. #denweaver
🤖 Working on #denweaver today - lots of small improvements and experiments.
✨ The workweek. Got serious progress on #denweaver yesterday afternoon. I was very focused and it paid off.
I've already accomplished a lot this weekend on my web game #denweaver - today is just cake - whatever I get done today is like a bonus level.