Hackaday Links: September 3, 2023 - Right-to-repair has been a hot-button topic lately, with everyone from consumers t... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/03/hackaday-links-september-3-2023/ #emergencyalertsystem #worldrobotconference #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #righttorepair #construction #orbitaldrag #scientology #wastewater #cubesat #deorbit #e-meter #slider #kapton #sewer #dcma #fema #eas #fcc #wea
#wea #fcc #eas #fema #dcma #sewer #kapton #slider #e #deorbit #cubesat #wastewater #scientology #orbitaldrag #construction #righttorepair #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #worldrobotconference #emergencyalertsystem
Hackaday Links: March 26, 2023 https://hackaday.com/2023/03/26/hackaday-links-march-26-2023/ #jameswebbspacetelescope #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #Indianapolis #GordonMoore #moore'slaw #decapping #exoplanet #fairchild #PaulAllen #resistors #silicates #Starlink #deorbit #Slider #Petrel #intel #jwst
#jameswebbspacetelescope #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #indianapolis #gordonmoore #moore #decapping #exoplanet #fairchild #paulallen #resistors #silicates #starlink #deorbit #slider #petrel #intel #jwst
Hackaday Links: March 26, 2023 - Sad news in the tech world this week as Intel co-founder Gordon Moore passed away ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/26/hackaday-links-march-26-2023/ #jameswebbspacetelescope #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #indianapolis #gordonmoore #decapping #exoplanet #fairchild #mooreslaw #paulallen #resistors #silicates #starlink #deorbit #slider #petrel #intel #jwst
#jwst #intel #petrel #slider #deorbit #starlink #silicates #resistors #paulallen #mooreslaw #fairchild #exoplanet #decapping #gordonmoore #indianapolis #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #jameswebbspacetelescope
Re-entry of some STS-127 debris, a few days ago :)
@NASA @NASAKennedy whats this? this was just now over Sacramento. #sacramento #deorbit #sattellites
#sattellites #deorbit #sacramento
NASA wants 'space tug' to bring International Space Station safely down | Fox News
#iss #spacestation #science #technology #nasa #deorbit #spacetug
#iss #SpaceStation #Science #technology #nasa #deorbit #spacetug
#SpaceTraffic Management (#STM) : #debris 🗑️ #removal systems must be created to collect and #deorbit debris, prioritizing those large objects that present the highest #risk to #spacecraft.
Through fora like the #UNOOSA , the #international community should reach #consensus on the definitions of #STM, #SSA, and related terms https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/issue-brief/space-traffic-management-time-for-action
#UnitedNations Office for #OuterSpace Affairs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Office_for_Outer_Space_Affairs
Picture : #Space #debris impact on #SpaceShuttle window https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Space_debris_impact_on_Space_Shuttle_window.jpg
#spacetraffic #stm #debris #removal #deorbit #risk #spacecraft #unoosa #international #consensus #ssa #unitednations #outerspace #space #spaceshuttle