Dezeen : Paul Smith launches outdoor furniture for De Padova and proclaims the garden as "the new living room" #Coffeetables #Promotions #PaulSmith #Furniture #DePadova #Seating #Sofas #all
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La versione di #DePadova "Mi stanno trattando come un’appestata, ma resto in maggioranza"
La consigliera civica dopo gli screzi con gli alleati del centrodestra: "Sul Consiglio delle donne c’è stata mancanza di onestà intellettuale. Mi hanno aggredita verbalmente, Parcaroli e Luciani non sono intervenuti".
#DePadova's version 'They are treating me like a plague, but I remain in the majority'
The civic councillor after the rift with the centre-right allies: 'On the Women's Council there was a lack of intellectual honesty. They verbally attacked me, Parcaroli and Luciani did not intervene'.
24-5-2023 6:50 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino