My listening stats for the last 7 days:
Top five artists:
Igorrr, Fear Factory, Gojira, Bizarra Locomotiva, Candlemass
Top five albums:
Climax, Spirituality and Distortion, Under the Fragmented Sky, Álbum Negro, Dethalbum II
Top five tracks:
Obscene as Cancer, Enjoy the Silence, He av en, Chomp Chomp, Embrace of the Endless Ocean
Top five tags:
#black metal #grindcore #2010s #Anaal Nathrakh #2018 #k1r7m #A New Kind Of Horror #80s #electronic #new wave #Depeche Mode #synth pop #synthpop #p...
#p #synthpop #synth #depeche #new #electronic #80s #a #k1r7m #anaal #2010s #grindcore #black
I would love to be in #Frankfurt/Germany 🇩🇪 tonite to celebrate #Depeche #Mode - It's No Good ❤️
#Depeche Mode review – who knew #synth-pop could be this colossal and life-affirming?
Hey #LebanonHanover , why? Strangelove. Possibly the worst crap i’ve ever had to listen to. Speakers need cleaning. #depeche #covers
#covers #depeche #lebanonhanover
Night night. 💤🙋♂️
#Depeche Mode - #Photographic (Rex The Dog Dubb Mix)
The great news: a new song 🎉.
The sad news: without Fletch 🥲.
#Depeche #Mode - #Ghosts Again (Official Video)
#ghosts #Mode #depeche #depechemode
Dans le dernier #Empaillé, excellent journal régional (#Occitanie) entre autres bons articles plusieurs pages consacrées à la #Depêche et son passé de collabo, ses liens avec Bousquet... A lire !
Livo revient et c'est trop bien !
[Dépêche !] ARTE Radio part en live (1) #depeche
ARTE Radio part en live (1) • Dépêche ! - via Podcast Addict
Livo à Tokyo, épisode 1 : le retour de Dépêche pas vraiment pareil mais un peu quand même Après avoir beaucoup travaillé, Livo profitait voluptueusement de ses indemnités. Mais voilà que la réforme de l'assurance-chômage voulue par le gouvernement menace sa condition d'assisté qui ruine la France. C'est sans doute pour cela qu
I Depeche Mode hanno rivelato la causa del decesso di Andy Fletcher | Rolling Stone Italia #depeche #mode #rivelato #causa #decesso #andy #fletcher #rolling #stone #italia #28giugno
#28Giugno #italia #stone #rolling #fletcher #andy #decesso #causa #rivelato #mode #depeche
How Did Andy Fletcher Die? Depeche Mode Co-Founder Cause of Death Dies at 60 | The Watcho #Andy #CoFounder #Death #Depeche #Die #Dies #Fletcher #mode #2giugno
#2giugno #mode #fletcher #dies #die #depeche #death #cofounder #andy
What Was Andrew Fletcher Aka Andy Cause Of Death? Depeche Mode Co-Founder Dead At 60, Wife, Funeral & Obituary! | The Watcho #Aka #Andrew #Andy #CoFounder #Dead #Death #Depeche #Fletcher #Funeral #mode #Obituary #Wife #31maggio
#31maggio #wife #obituary #mode #funeral #fletcher #depeche #death #dead #cofounder #andy #andrew #aka
Il tastierista dei Depeche Mode, Andy Fletcher, è morto a 60 anni | Rolling Stone Italia #tastierista #depeche #mode #andy #fletcher #morto #rolling #stone #italia #28maggio
#28maggio #italia #stone #rolling #morto #fletcher #andy #mode #depeche #tastierista
Depeche Mode, morto Andrew Fletcher: la musica piange il tastierista #depeche #mode #morto #andrew #fletcher #musica #piange #tastierista #27maggio
#27Maggio #tastierista #piange #musica #fletcher #andrew #morto #mode #depeche
Andy Fletcher, causa morte del tastierista dei Depeche Mode: carriera, moglie, vita privata #andy #fletcher #causa #morte #tastierista #depeche #mode #carriera #moglie #privata #27maggio
#27Maggio #privata #Moglie #carriera #mode #depeche #tastierista #morte #causa #fletcher #andy
È morto Andrew Fletcher, il tastierista dei Depeche Mode: aveva 60 anni | TV Sorrisi e Canzoni #morto #andrew #fletcher #tastierista #depeche #mode #sorrisi #canzoni #27maggio
#27Maggio #canzoni #sorrisi #mode #depeche #tastierista #fletcher #andrew #morto
Andy Fletcher, l’uomo che teneva assieme i Depeche Mode senza scrivere canzoni | Rolling Stone Italia #andy #fletcher #luomo #teneva #assieme #depeche #mode #scrivere #canzoni #rolling #stone #italia #27maggio
#27Maggio #italia #stone #rolling #canzoni #scrivere #mode #depeche #assieme #teneva #luomo #fletcher #andy