Germany: Refugee arrivals prompt debate over right to asylum
#deportations #asylum #refugees
We continue to observe #deportations from #Algeria to the northern border of #Niger: During 15 and 16 July, a total of 1,335 (!!) people were deported to #PointZero and to #Assamaka. The incidents are worrying. The humanitarian crisis is the direct result of the mass deportations
#Assamaka #pointzero #niger #algeria #deportations
"On 16 May, when he attended a routine appointment at a Home Office reporting centre in Glasgow, he was arrested by officials and taken to Dungavel House immigration removal centre in South Lanarkshire. He was released on Friday but remains at risk of forced removal to Egypt."
#immigration #UKimmigration #British #UKpolitics #homeoffice #ukhomeoffice #deportations #christians #religious #religiousdiscrimination #religion #Christian
#christian #religion #religiousdiscrimination #religious #christians #deportations #UKHomeOffice #homeoffice #ukpolitics #british #UKimmigration #immigration
Today in Labor History June 2, 1919: Anarchists carried out a series of coordinated bombings across the Eastern United States, damaging the homes of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, who had launched the first Red Hunt against unionists, commies and anarchists, as well as then Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #bombings #PalmerRaids #RedScare #PoliceBrutality #prison #deportations #fdr #union #communism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #bombings #palmerraids #redscare #policebrutality #prison #deportations #fdr #union #communism
Putin signs law allowing elections, forced #deportations
Previously, Russian law did not allow a vote in a territory under “martial law,” which is still in effect in the Russian-occupied parts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, & Zaporizhzhia oblasts.
It also allows for #ForcedDeportation of citizens from a territory where martial law is imposed to territories where it is not imposed
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #WarCrimes #PutinWarCriminal #Putin #StandWithUkraine
#StandWithUkraine #putin #PutinWarCriminal #warcrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #forceddeportation #deportations
DHS Says the U.S. Deported 11,000 Migrants in Week After End of Title 42 #DHS #HomelandSecurity #migrants #immigration #Title42 #Title8 #Deportations #Border #BorderPatrol #CBP #politicaliq #news #politics
#dhs #homelandsecurity #migrants #immigration #title42 #title8 #deportations #border #borderpatrol #cbp #politicaliq #News #politics
RT @AlarmephoneS
Nous continuons à observer des #déportations de l'#Algérie vers la frontière nord du #Niger: Au cours des 11 derniers jours, un total de 1.475 (!!) personnes ont été déportées vers #PointZero et vers #Assamaka. Les incidents sont inquiétants. La crise humanitaire actuelle est le
#deportations #algerie #niger #pointzero #Assamaka
Migrations : la Belgique a doublé le nombre de retours forcés au cours du premier trimestre 2023 #AlexanderDeCroo #asile #Belgique #crisemigratoire #déportations
#alexanderdecroo #asile #belgique #crisemigratoire #deportations
"Murhaf Hamid är född och uppväxt i Sverige, men har precis som övriga familjen fått avslag på sin asylansökan. Samtidigt kan familjen av olika skäl inte utvisas till mammans hemland Etiopien."
Detta är landet vi bor i. Ett land där ungar som bott hela sina liv här, till och med är födda i skiten, ska deporteras.
...ett land där de hycklande ormar som vill deportera dessa 12-åringar solar sig i deras glans i syfte att ljuga på oss sin "medmänsklighet".
And for those who don't speak/read Swedish, the primary quote from Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter (Today's News) translates to: "Murhaf Hamid is born and raised in Sweden, but has like his other family members been denied asylum. In tandem, the family--for different reasons--can't be deported to the mother's homeland Ethiopia."
This is Sweden; a country that deports, or at least aims to deport, 12-year olds who were born in this country.
Let the world know.
#MurhafHamid #Svärje #Sweden #Deportations #Deportationer #Svpol #StopDeportations
#murhafhamid #svarje #sweden #deportations #deportationer #svpol #stopdeportations
Alleine in den letzten elf Tagen wurden 1475 Menschen aus Algerien am Point Zero in die Wüste des Niger abgeschoben.
Die humanitäre Krise verschärft sich massiv weiter.
RT @AlarmephoneS
We continue to observe #deportations from #Algeria to the northern border of #Niger: In the last 11 days alone, a total of 1,475 (!!) people have been deported to #PointZero and/or to #Assamaka. The incidents are worrying. The current humanitarian …
#deportations #algeria #niger #pointzero #Assamaka
We, Members of the European Parliament, ask #Denmark @KaareDybvad @Statsmin
STOP #deportations of Syrian refugees to #Syria!
Sending refugees back means exposing them to persecutions and risking their lives.
#Denmark #deportations #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #dkpol #EUPOL
RT @k_langensiepen: We, Members of the European Parliament, ask #Denmark @KaareDybvad @Statsmin
STOP #deportations of Syrian refugees to #Syria!
Sending refugees back means exposing them to persecutions and risking their lives.
#Denmark #deportations #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #dkpol #EUPOL
Rebels have their way
Ignoring judges' decisions
UK now divided
#ukpolitics #deportations #rishisunak #haiku #poetry
#ukpolitics #deportations #rishisunak #haiku #poetry
RT @k_langensiepen: We, Members of the European Parliament, ask #Denmark @KaareDybvad @Statsmin
STOP #deportations of Syrian refugees to #Syria!
Sending refugees back means exposing them to persecutions and risking their lives.
#Denmark #deportations #Syria #SyriaIsNotSafe #dkpol #EUPOL
#ClimateJustice #RiseUpForChange #DebtForClimate #DeCOALonize #ReinvestInOurPower #ClimateEmergency #AbolishFrontex #AbolishBorders #AbolishPrisons #AbolishPolice #NoBorders #SafePassage #StopRefugeeGenocide #TunisiaIsNotSafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #LeaveNoOneBehind #deportations
#climatejustice #riseupforchange #DebtForClimate #decoalonize #reinvestinourpower #climateemergency #abolishfrontex #abolishborders #abolishprisons #abolishpolice #noborders #safepassage #stoprefugeegenocide #tunisiaisnotsafe #LibyaIsNotSafe #leavenoonebehind #deportations
#Darmanin et #Macron ont choisi #Mayotte, le « département » le plus pauvre, pour frapper les esprits en mettant en scène l’application de leur #loi sur #l’immigration. l’objectif affiché est d’ #expulser en dix jours 3 000 personnes, essentiellement comorienEs. Une vaste opération de chasse aux pauvres et aux sans-papiers — rien moins que des #rafles et #déportations. Mayotte, laboratoire des mesures d’exception que Darmanin rêve d’appliquer en métropole...
#darmanin #macron #mayotte #loi #l #expulser #rafles #deportations
RT @ae_interact
Against #deportations from #Germany and #Europe to #Nigeria with transcontinental #solidarity. Donate to #Refugees 4Refugees' shelter in Lagos! @AlarmephoneS @alarm_phone @ruehl_b @Border_Violence @bm0eu @refugee_list @RefugeesinLibya @NetworkMigrant
#deportations #germany #europe #nigeria #solidarity #refugees
RT @mbk_center
#OTD, on March 25, 1949, Stalin/NKVD started deporting 94,779 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians, to Siberia, including children and women (Operation Priboi)
We commemorate these victims of #deportations
#Biden administration quietly resumes #deportations to #Russia.
This has to be an administrative error, right #USA #Mastodon users?
#Biden #deportations #Russia #usa #mastodon
Un an après, après #Boutcha, après #Marioupol, après les #déportations de femmes, d'enfants, après les bombardements d’hôpitaux, d'écoles, de parcs d'enfants, la paix est plus que jamais impérative.
#Boutcha #Marioupol #deportations