Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Cardinal Sin of Netflix’s ‘Depp v. Heard’ #Jezebel #deppvnewsgroupnewspapersltd #piratesofthecaribbean #marilynmonroe #metoomovement #andysignore #deppvheard #amberheard #emmacooper #johnnydepp #leeberlik #nickviall #netflix #twitter #depp #mera #cum
#jezebel #deppvnewsgroupnewspapersltd #piratesofthecaribbean #marilynmonroe #metoomovement #andysignore #deppvheard #amberheard #emmacooper #johnnydepp #leeberlik #nickviall #netflix #Twitter #depp #mera #cum
Man kann zu #Homöopathie stehen wie man mag. Aber muss man als Verfechter denn unbedingt ein #Depp sein (der sich auch noch furchtbar klug vorkommt), in den braun/blauen Sumpf abtauchen und in jeder #Diskussion am Ende den #Holzhammer heraus holen?
🐿️ @ehkoeln
#homoopathie #depp #diskussion #holzhammer
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kevin Spacey's Lawyer in Closing: 'It's Not a Crime to Like Sex, Even If You're Famous' #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #sexualconsent #humaninterest #readerwclarke #patrickgibbs #davidfurnish #kevinspacey #anthonyrapp #eltonjohn #lawcrime #stallion #paltrow #rape #depp
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #sexualconsent #humaninterest #readerwclarke #patrickgibbs #davidfurnish #kevinspacey #AnthonyRapp #eltonjohn #lawcrime #stallion #paltrow #rape #depp
ALICE IN WONDERLAND | Potion Magic Clip | Official Disney UK
#3d #4L1C31NW8ND3RLAND #alice #ANNE #bonham #Burton #BUZZ #Carter #Climb #Cyrus #Depp #Digital #Disney #efron #Full #Hannah #Hathaway #hatter #helene #High #hsm #HSM2 #Hsm3 #IMAX #In #Johnny #MAD #Miley #Montana #MUSICAL #New #Official #Pixar #Rabbit #School #STORY #THE #TIM #TOY #TRAILER #Trailers #tròn #up #Walt #white #Wonderland #Woody #ZAC #アン・ハサウェイ
#3d #4l1c31nw8nd3rland #alice #anne #bonham #burton #buzz #carter #climb #cyrus #depp #digital #disney #Efron #full #hannah #Hathaway #hatter #helene #high #hsm #hsm2 #hsm3 #imax #in #johnny #mad #miley #montana #musical #new #official #pixar #rabbit #school #story #the #tim #toy #trailer #trailers #tron #up #walt #white #wonderland #woody #zac #アン・ハサウェイ
Depp comes up smelling of roses despite defamation trial’s catalogue of misogyny
'The actor who joked about drowning and burning his then wife Amber Heard has been the toast of Cannes and has snagged $20m to hawk perfume'
#psychology #misogyny #narcissism #psychopathology #Depp
#depp #psychopathology #narcissism #misogyny #psychology
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Amber Heard Has Quit Hollywood, Is Now 'Happy' in Madrid #Jezebel #juriesinenglandandwales #lucillebluth #oonaghpaige #amberheard #johnnydepp #law2ccrime #actors #happy #depp #jury
#jezebel #juriesinenglandandwales #lucillebluth #oonaghpaige #amberheard #johnnydepp #law2ccrime #actors #happy #depp #jury
RT @Elsa_Gambin
Franchement à voir le retour de #Quatennens, le torchon de #Beigbeder, les agressions de #Depardieu, les "excuses" gerbantes du #DalaiLama, la carrière "brisée" de #Depp, tout ça dans un flot de minimisations, on se dit qu'on n'a pas le cul sorti des ronces du patriarcat.
#Quatennens #beigbeder #depardieu #dalailama #depp
... et les figures de proue autoritaristes, ou les ex-agresseurs "repentis", des mouvements sociaux, aussi, ça aide vraiment pas à se sentir en confiance...
RT @Elsa_Gambin
Franchement à voir le retour de #Quatennens, le torchon de #Beigbeder, les agressions de #Depardieu, les "excuses" gerbantes du #DalaiLama, la carrière "brisée" de #Depp, tout ça dans un flot de minimisations, on se dit qu'on n'a pas le cul sorti des ronces du p…
#quatennens #beigbeder #depardieu #dalailama #depp
RT @SylviaDuverger
Cancel culture : Johnny Depp fera l'ouverture du Festival de Cannes, avec le film "Jeanne du Barry" de Maïwenn. Y'a pas à dire, en France, on sait accueillir les grand·es brûlé·es du « wokisme » ! #MeToo #Backlash #Depp
"Anyways #remember that time that #JKRowling, who has never spoken to an #indigenous #American #person in her whole #life, was like "but what if the #Natives had four #schools and they were also bloodthirsty savages who started the #residential schools with their #fictional beings as their #mascots and #Christians weren't actually at fault" right at the time when we started getting some traction around getting #recognition for the heinous #crimes that were the mass graves of #children, then went on to make a whole spin-off #franchise in America using that """lore""" and #rhetoric, where the one #wizard guy who tried to stop the #Holocaust from happening was #villainized and played by Johnny #Depp (who played #Tonto in the Lone Ranger and said he was going to buy the Black Hills and Wounded Knee and "give it back to #Lakota people" then never did that at all) and who she later defended as saying he wasn't a domestic #abuser because she believed him over a #woman who has since been #proven to be telling the #truth several times over?
The woman's a #violent #colonizer."
#remember #jkrowling #indigenous #american #person #life #natives #schools #residential #fictional #mascots #christians #recognition #crimes #children #franchise #rhetoric #wizard #holocaust #villainized #depp #tonto #lakota #abuser #woman #proven #truth #violent #colonizer
A new life. #Depp
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Where’s Hoda?! #Jezebel #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #americanpeopleofgermandescent #televisionintheunitedstates #sabrinacarpenter #savannahguthrie #americanwriters #jennabushhager #joelschiffman #humaninterest #craigmelvin #kekepalmer #tomllamas #meribrown #hodakotb #nbcnews #charles #today #hoda #depp
#jezebel #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #americanpeopleofgermandescent #televisionintheunitedstates #sabrinacarpenter #savannahguthrie #americanwriters #jennabushhager #joelschiffman #humaninterest #craigmelvin #kekepalmer #tomllamas #meribrown #hodakotb #nbcnews #charles #today #hoda #depp
Pour écouter le replay, c'est ici :
#Heard #Depp #Masculinisme #Desinfo
#heard #depp #masculinisme #desinfo
Und ein weiteres Double-Photo-Shoot! 😻 Tickets:
#ProudNerdCon #proudnerd #piratesofthecaribbean #martinklebba #isaaccsingletonjr #pirates #depp
#proudnerdcon #proudnerd #piratesofthecaribbean #martinklebba #isaaccsingletonjr #pirates #depp