Tinkabelle · @LadyFemme86
22 followers · 386 posts · Server hessen.social

Gibt es geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei der Depression?

#depression #manner #frauen

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack of all trades · @jackofalltrades
977 followers · 2862 posts · Server mas.to
vierraumwohnung · @vierraumwohnung
192 followers · 1951 posts · Server ruhr.social

So nach einer netten Lese-Nacht (ja über Pübertierende in Büchern kann ich dabei herzlich lachen) morgendliche Geduldsprobe mit K3.
Boahhh dieser Tonfall- also zurück Schnauzen, anlachen und sonstige Methoden ihr Verhalten zu spiegeln… Nach einer 3/4 Stunde - K3 endlich los geschubst. Mein Blutdruck bei 161 zu 141 also viel zu hoch *seufz*
Nun Maschinenpark starten und ab ins Bett ….

#adhs #depression

Last updated 1 year ago

There is No Dana (He/Him) · @MetalheadDana
560 followers · 508 posts · Server metalhead.club

Haven't been posting about music much. This isn't a fun topic and I'm sorry to be so whiny lately, but the honest reason why is that anhedonia has been so bad I don't even really enjoy music/metal (or anything else for that matter) all that much lately. :(

#anhedonia #depression

Last updated 1 year ago

Klima Transe 😉🌱🐑 · @wurstsalat
8 followers · 242 posts · Server troet.cafe

Mentale Probleme im Alltag zu überwinden ist schwerst Arbeit. Im einem Moment setzt du dir selbst die Krone auf, und im nächsten trittst und prügelst du auf dich ein, lehnst dich einfach nur ab. Die Lücke dazwischen ist so klein, aber kaum zu überblicken.


Last updated 1 year ago

vierraumwohnung · @vierraumwohnung
193 followers · 1943 posts · Server ruhr.social

Warum ich so leise bin? Pssst- Ich lese.
Inzwischen bin ich durch Marah Wolf‘s „Rückkehr der Engel“ (absolut empfehlenswert) und „Die Mondlicht-Saga“ (sehr lesenswert) und weil mir ihre Welt gefällt werde ich nun meine Paybackpunkte für die Federleicht-Saga opfern.
Also auf nach Avalach und Eyelin … da gibt’s Feen, Elfen, Trolle, Wassermänner, Wasserdrachen, Vampire, Zauberer ach ja und Menschen auch….
Also pssstttt ich lese….

#adhs #depression #lesen

Last updated 1 year ago

Robert Roy Britt · @robertroybritt
557 followers · 469 posts · Server me.dm

Middle-aged women often struggle with , lack of energy, brain fog and other symptoms that can be indicators of . Or these could just be signs of low levels. Yet many doctors prescribe for women who are not actually depressed and who may benefit from other treatments. Says one:

"We, as doctors, have been understating the powerful effects of hormones on mental health and have been reaching too readily for antidepressants."


#anxiety #depression #estrogen #antidepressants

Last updated 1 year ago

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September 11, 2023 at 10:31AM
Coping with the loss of a supervisee to suicide

<p>One counselor shares his painful story of losing a supervisee to suicide and offers advice on how to cope after traumatic loss.</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="ct.counseling.org/2023/09/copi">Coping with the loss of a supervisee to suicide</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="ct.counseling.org">Counseling Today</a>.</p>

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@psychotherapist @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychiatry

#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist

Last updated 1 year ago

Snorri · @SnorriSturluson
76 followers · 421 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

@tante Anbei: deutsche-depressionshilfe.de/k - Deswegen will ich jetzt nicht über die Details in den "Methoden" diskutieren. -

#depression #hilfe

Last updated 1 year ago

Syd · @Sydney
220 followers · 317 posts · Server zirk.us

Pretty and . Kids to busy for me, still not over the . My rent a friend therapist is the only person I really talk to. I’m and I feel the drop coming.

#lonely #depression #divorce #bipolar

Last updated 1 year ago

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September 10, 2023 at 12:24PM
I’m Not a Joiner. Was I Born That Way?

Is it personality, nurture, life stage or even genes that make one long to be part of groups?
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#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist

Last updated 1 year ago

nrth3rnlb · @nrth3rnlb
215 followers · 636 posts · Server norden.social

Es kotzt mich alles an. Ich sitze hier und zerbreche mal wieder an mir selbst. Dieser verdammte Sonntag, dieses elende Wochenende. Es ist wie in der Lotterie, bei der man meistens verliert. Ich verzweifle an den einfachsten Vorhaben. Die Suche nach dem kleinen Erfolgserlebnis gleicht der Besteigung des Mount Everest.

#notjustsad #depression

Last updated 1 year ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
315 followers · 2284 posts · Server kolektiva.social

It is possible to live, even thrive, beyond our darkest hours

Loss is difficult. A person’s death leaves a gaping hole in the lives of those they leave behind. But it is possible to feel better. To survive and live. And perhaps to even thrive. Ranjitha Gunasekaran talks about her own darkest hours.


#mentalhealth #suicide #depression #grief #suicideprevention #worldsuicidepreventionday

Last updated 1 year ago

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: clinicians-exchange.org
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers: lem.clinicians-exchange.org
September 09, 2023 at 11:17AM
Concussions Early in Life Tied to Late Life Cognitive Decline

<div><p>Source: <a href="sciencedaily.com/" rel="tag" target="_blank">Science Daily - Top Health</a></p>A study of twins shows that having a concussion early in life is tied to having lower scores on tests of thinking and memory skills decades later as well as having more rapid decline in those scores than twins who did not have a concussion, or traumatic brain injury. The study, involving more than 8,600 World War II veterans, was published in the September 6, 2023, online issue of Neurology, a journal of the American Academy of Neurology.</div><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><br /><a href="socialpsychology.org/client/re" target="_blank"><img title="Brought to you by Social Psychology Network" alt="Brought to you by SocialPsychology Network" src="socialpsychology.org/images/rs" border="0" width="400" height="45" /></a><br><br>
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#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist

Last updated 1 year ago

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: clinicians-exchange.org
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers: lem.clinicians-exchange.org
September 09, 2023 at 11:17AM
U.N. Goal of Gender Equality by 2030 Impossible, Report Says

<div><p>Source: <a href="abcnews.go.com/US" rel="tag" target="_blank">ABC News - US News</a></p>The U.N. goal of achieving gender equality by 2030 is impossible to attain because of deeply rooted biases against women around the world in heath, education, employment, and the halls of power, the United Nations said in a report Thursday. &quot;The world is failing women and girls,&quot; wrote UN Women, the agency promoting gender equality, and the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in their jointly authored &quot;The Gender Snapshot 2023&quot;...</div><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><br /><a href="socialpsychology.org/client/re" target="_blank"><img title="Brought to you by Social Psychology Network" alt="Brought to you by SocialPsychology Network" src="socialpsychology.org/images/rs" border="0" width="400" height="45" /></a><br><br>
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#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist

Last updated 1 year ago

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: clinicians-exchange.org
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September 09, 2023 at 11:16AM
Artificial Intelligence Behind ChatGPT Consumes Vast Water Supply

<div><p>Source: <a href="usnews.com/" rel="tag" target="_blank">U.S. News and World Report</a></p>In its latest environmental report, Microsoft disclosed that its global water consumption spiked 34% from 2021 to 2022 (to nearly 1.7 billion gallons), a sharp increase that outside researchers tie to its AI projects. In a paper due to be published later this year, one team estimates that Microsoft-supported ChatGPT gulps up 500 milliliters of water (close to what's in a 16-ounce water bottle) every time you ask it a series of 5-50 prompts or...</div><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><br /><a href="socialpsychology.org/client/re" target="_blank"><img title="Brought to you by Social Psychology Network" alt="Brought to you by SocialPsychology Network" src="socialpsychology.org/images/rs" border="0" width="400" height="45" /></a><br><br>
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#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist

Last updated 1 year ago

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: clinicians-exchange.org
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September 09, 2023 at 11:16AM
Officials Condemn Abbas's Speech on Jews and Holocaust

<div><p>Source: <a href="news.bbc.co.uk/europe/" rel="tag" target="_blank">BBC News - Europe</a></p>German and Israeli officials have condemned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for comments he made about Jews and the Nazi Holocaust in a speech. Mr. Abbas said Adolf Hitler ordered the mass murder of Jews because of their &quot;social role&quot; as moneylenders, rather than his animosity to Judaism. The German ambassador to Israel, Steffen Seibert, responded: &quot;The Palestinians deserve to hear the historical truth from their leader, not such...</div><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><br /><a href="socialpsychology.org/client/re" target="_blank"><img title="Brought to you by Social Psychology Network" alt="Brought to you by SocialPsychology Network" src="socialpsychology.org/images/rs" border="0" width="400" height="45" /></a><br><br>
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Last updated 1 year ago

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: clinicians-exchange.org
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers: lem.clinicians-exchange.org
September 09, 2023 at 11:08AM
How AI May Be a Powerful Tool in Treating Male Infertility

<div><p>Source: <a href="news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology" rel="tag" target="_blank">BBC News - Technology</a></p>Infertility affects an estimated 7% of the male population. Now, artificial intelligence (AI) may be about to help solve the problem. Australian biomedical engineer Steven Vasilescu says that the AI software developed by his team can spot sperm in samples taken from severely infertile men 1,000 times faster than a highly trained pair of eyes. &quot;It can highlight a potentially viable sperm before a human can even process what they're looking at,&quot;...</div><h6 style="clear: both; padding: 8px 0 0 0; height: 2px; font-size: 1px; border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"></h6><br /><a href="socialpsychology.org/client/re" target="_blank"><img title="Brought to you by Social Psychology Network" alt="Brought to you by SocialPsychology Network" src="socialpsychology.org/images/rs" border="0" width="400" height="45" /></a><br><br>
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Last updated 1 year ago

Alexa · @Alexandra
93 followers · 751 posts · Server literatur.social

5 Jahre und 8 Monate bin ich jetzt regelmäßig am bloggen, begonnen habe ich im Januar 2016. Es gab also eine Pause. Zum Glück ist seitdem keine größere mehr vorgekommen.


#depression #notjustsad

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Ninneman/SpeakingBipolar · @SpeakingBipolar
80 followers · 108 posts · Server me.dm