My boys and partners are on their way here to spend a long weekend with us. I’m looking forward to a triple-birthday-party when we are celebrating the birthday of 3 members of the #HouseOfDragons.
And hopefully I will be distracted from my severe #depressions
#HouseOfDragons #depressions #polyamory #notjustsad
#RandomRoad Moments: Gettysburg, spring 2022. Me and Friend Abe. #Lincoln never overcame his #depressions. Instead, he seemed to transmute them in a way that imbued him with a higher wisdom and sense of purpose. As for me, ever since I was old enough to put pennies in my mouth, Lincoln was my man. The cool hat and the beard helped. But as I grew up, I found more enduring reasons. And as I grow old, those reasons deepen. Happy Birthday, Abe ... #history #Lincoln'sBirthday #road #photography
#randomroad #lincoln #depressions #history #road #photography
#Pandemics #Recessions #Depressions #Wars all created by the #Rich and for the #rich
When the #USGovt distributes wealth to the #Poor, the #Rich scramble to grab it back
#pandemics #recessions #depressions #wars #rich #usgovt #poor #savedemocracy
Seit 10 Jahren lebe ich in meiner #Depressions Bubble. Wenn ich in mich reinhorche spüre ich sehr deutlich meinen ehrlichen Wunsch, eine #Beziehung auf Augenhöhe zu führen. Bislang war es in beiden Fällen aber immer so, dass nach einem Jahr der Glanz der #Liebe dem Alltag der brutalen Depression gewichen ist.
Ich würde gerne auf Erwachsenen Ebene wieder mein eigenes Glück finden, habe aber den Eindruck gewonnen, dass ich mir da immer mehr selbst im Weg
#depressions #beziehung #liebe
Une molécule contenue dans les #champignonshallucinogènes pour soigner la #dépression
Il s’agit de la #psilocybine, une molécule qui fait partie des substances psychédéliques et qui montre une efficacité contre les #dépressions résistantes. Dans la suite de l'#actualitéscientifique, les images d'une #supernova, une inscription cananéenne sur un peigne à poux et des requins cameramen.
#FranceCulture #podcast #baladodiffusion #sciences
#sciences #baladodiffusion #podcast #franceculture #supernova #actualitescientifique #depressions #psilocybine #depression #champignonshallucinogenes
Hört diese unfassbare Traurigkeit auch irgendwann wieder auf? Hoffnungslos bin ich nicht. Ich weiß, es geht weiter und ich kann am jetzigen Konstrukt auch was ändern. Aber ich bin unfassbar traurig. #mobbing #mobbingimbüro #depressions #depressionen #traurigkeit
#traurigkeit #depressionen #depressions #mobbingimbüro #mobbing
[1/2] 🙏 My appeal to all parents. Try to keep up with digital media and especially social media. Educate yourself about features and trends. It may be difficult sometimes, but only if you at least understand the platforms your children are using, you have a chance to understand their concerns. More and more children suffer from #depressions and #eatingdisorders and often it is digital realities in cyberspace that trigger such things.
🙏 My appeal to all parents. Try to keep up with digital media and
especially social media. Educate yourself about features and trends. It may be difficult sometimes, but only if you at least understand the platforms your children are using, you have a chance to understand their concerns. More and more children suffer from #depressions and #eatingdisorders and often it is digital realities in cyberspace that trigger such things. [1/2]
For me it's working to do cycling tours to fight against #depressions and other #mentalhealth issues. Last two tours were amazing.
🤲🏼🧴 A drop of #calm from @RayDalio: without minimizing people’s suffering, “…#history has shown us that typically the majority of people stay employed in #depressions, are unharmed in shooting #wars, and survive natural #disasters.”
🙏🏼 Thank you
#disasters #wars #depressions #history #calm
"..and the #Depressions that followed were LONG AND PAINFUL."
I recently participated in an #inklusion workshop via :senf: #senfcall.
My takeaway:
- Almost all swearwords are #ableist. If you need to curse use toilet humor.
- Being #disabled doesn't mean there is anything wrong or broken about you. It's the system that can't meet your needs like the needs of other people that is broken. #FuckTheSystem
- I might be a person with a disability myself. I have periodical severe #depressions as well as #dyslexia.
#inklusion #Senfcall #ableist #disabled #FuckTheSystem #depressions #dyslexia