How to #DeProgram #FoxNews-Watchers on the #TrumpIndictment
#deprogram #foxnews #trumpindictment
Again: It takes time to #deprogram and #unlearn being a #consoomer than externalizes any decisionmaking to the #GAFAMs...
And if people are unwilling to invest even 5 minutes to fake to care then maybe they kinda deserve the consequences of their hostile ignorance...
Just like a doctor can't treat a patient that is concious and expressed their denial of consent to treatment...
#gafams #consoomer #unlearn #deprogram
No, I don't mean "sheeple" like some IRC #deprogram or Alex Jones moron.
I mean both classically and operantly conditioned into resignation.
True w/ multiple media since the Gilded Age, just qualitatively accelerated by pseudo-autonomy of apps and sensory inundation with audio/visual inputs over time.
Weaponized mesolimbic stimulation. We are cocaine level pushing rats, most of us.