Master hashtag list 🫡
#astrology #astrotwitter #ayahuasca #ayahuascero #buddhism #buddhist #cartomancy #consciousness #curandero #curanderismo #depthpsychology #dharma #divination #entheogen #esoteric #fedi22 #fediverse #fssz #imaginal #introduction #magick #mastodon #mysticism #occult #occulture #omenology #psychedelic #relationality #stoatzone #tarot #twittermigration #vajrayana #weirdosphere #witchcraft #woo #zen
#astrology #astrotwitter #ayahuasca #ayahuascero #buddhism #buddhist #cartomancy #consciousness #curandero #curanderismo #depthpsychology #dharma #divination #entheogen #esoteric #fedi22 #fediverse #fssz #imaginal #introduction #magick #mastodon #mysticism #occult #occulture #omenology #psychedelic #relationality #stoatzone #tarot #twittermigration #vajrayana #weirdosphere #witchcraft #woo #zen
More people are coming over from that other place. Here are some hashtags to aid in searching.
I hope to connect with you.
Here is a picture of a Barred Owl that landed on my balcony.
#catsofmastodon #amateurphotography #jungianstudies #masculinity #archetypes #depthpsychology #ecopsycology #ecofeminism #deepecology #veteran #democraticsocialism #guitar #pnw #oregon #oldgrowthforest #wicca
#introductions #catsofmastodon #amateurphotography #jungianstudies #masculinity #archetypes #depthpsychology #ecopsycology #ecofeminism #deepecology #veteran #democraticsocialism #guitar #pnw #oregon #oldgrowthforest #wicca
Calling in others...
#kindness #gentleness #compassion #clouds #nature #trees #poetry #dreams #dreamwork #forestbathing #stargazing #beautyintheworld #wilderness #rewilding #ecotherapy #ecopsychology #processwork #depthpsychology #decolonization #carfree #slowfood #slowliving #giftedadults #forests #embodiment #ecology #oceans #wandering #zen #interbeing #voluntarysimplicity #meditation #minimalism #mindfulness #shunyata #satori #softness #listening #presence #peace #ease
#kindness #clouds #nature #trees #poetry #dreams #dreamwork #forestbathing #stargazing #embodiment #ecology #oceans #wandering #listening #ease #carfree #ecotherapy #ecopsychology #processwork #zen #interbeing #meditation #presence #depthpsychology #slowfood #slowliving #voluntarysimplicity #shunyata #satori #peace #compassion #mindfulness #wilderness #forests #minimalism #beautyintheworld #rewilding #decolonization #gentleness #softness #giftedadults
@Remittancegirl For any who are interested: "The Uncanny" by Sigmund #Freud.
#freud #psychoanalysis #depthpsychology
@Remittancegirl #Freud's essay, "The Uncanny" considers a similar question - what is the cause of that shivery, numinous feeling one might call 'uncanny'? He suggests that the feeling has roots in a certain kind of *familiarity* -- that the moment (or image, or story) in question jangles the bells of something we have repressed -- something, perhaps, that lies unquiet in the #psyche.
#freud #psyche #unconscious #depthpsychology #psychoanalysis
New server, new #hashtag #introduction!
#Imaginal Studies
#hashtag #introduction #depthpsychology #jung #hillman #academia #research #imaginal #subpersonalities #dreams #consciousness #dissociation #philosophyofpsychology #appliedethics #startrek #geek #gradschool #vegetarian #postrock #cats #universityofessex #eckerdcollege #covidsafe #savethebees
Where are my post-Jungian #DepthPsychology folks? Coz I am so sick & tired of the recurring #dreams of being chased around a construction site by someone trying to off me with cranes, oversized forklifts, huge piles of lumber, etc.
A dignified adult life, with its heights and depths, protected by wisely kept secrets, once attracted children in such a way that they wanted to become adults. Now they see incoherent emptiness and chaos.
— Robert Bly, The Sibling Society
A genuine odyssey is not about piling up experiences. It is a deeply felt, risky, unpredictable tour of the soul.
— Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul
#depthpsychology #soul #personalgrowth
The labyrinth represents the enigmatic character of life: a metaphor of the calculable and unfathomable elements of the world.
— William Henry Matthews
The labyrinth represents the enigmatic character of life: a metaphor of the calculable and unfathomable elements of the world.
— William Henry Matthews
#mythology #depthpsychology #soul
I've set dates for the next session of my Dream Workshop -
Saturdays at 10:00 Pacific, 11:00 Mountain, 12:00 Central and 1:00 Eastern
Starting in January -
Please share with anyone who might be interested!
#Onlineworkshops #depthpsychology #jung #dreamwork #dreams
Hello sunbeams, here's an #introduction. I'm a writer and poet rambling along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. Call me a walker, pilgrim at heart, sometimes hermit, sometimes teacher. Summers I do fieldwork with endangered shorebirds.
I'll post quotes from books I'm reading, occasional photos and short impromptu poems, links to my writings. I enjoy talking about #mythology, #birds, #esoterica, #depthpsychology, #poetry, #rocks, #modularsynthesis, #walking, etc. Nice to be back on the instance after some time away.
#introduction #mythology #birds #esoterica #depthpsychology #poetry #rocks #modularsynthesis #walking
Hello, Mastodonians! 🤔
As another refugee from Birdland, I suppose an #introduction is in order.
I'm based in #sanfrancisco, the city I love. I'm the host of the Mythic podcast and a certified coach who focuses on meaningful living.
I'm here for #storytelling, #mythology, and #folklore, and I'm currently writing a book about #WonderWoman.
Chat me up about
#jungian ideas
and #writing.
#introduction #sanfrancisco #storytelling #mythology #folklore #wonderwoman #depthpsychology #jungian #lifecoaching #humor #contentcreation #writing
Thanks for welcoming those of us leaving the nest.
So many areas of interest I'd love to connect with folks on! Here's a few..... #spirituality #mentalhealth #depthpsychology #adhd #nativegardening #poetry
Live in Kansas (US), passionate about deep connections and building community.
I love my pups.
#poetry #nativegardening #adhd #depthpsychology #mentalhealth #spirituality
If you're not a monster and never betrayed your own values, you're not paying very close attention to your life. #depthpsychology #darkwork #abyss #ownyourshit
#depthpsychology #darkwork #abyss #ownyourshit