Along with my fall update, I will be including a report on #usars #rollerderby . #History and current . I was honestly beginning my roller derby life in 2010. Between my memories & deep diving blogs including #rollerderbyjesus which is #jerryseltzer to accumulate a more accurate understanding of the #derbyverse
#derbyverse #jerryseltzer #rollerderbyjesus #History #rollerderby #usars
I’m not exactly surprised that #rollerderby aka #derbyverse hasn’t come out in droves to push back against these drag bills. I didn’t see a ton of support from non trans parents when the anti trans healthcare bills started popping up. It felt like the overturn of roe brought out a few people to join in the fight for body autonomy * for white women*. #derbytoot much like feeling no need to push for universal healthcare. Despite how that would truly make our sport accessible and safer.
#derbytoot #derbyverse #rollerderby
awww. at our end-of-season party the awesome people of my #rollerderby league gave some appreciative goodies to all the officials. first time i was happy about receiving a pair of socks. 🛼💖🦄🌈✨
#rollerderby #derbytoots #derbyverse
Erstes Roller Derby Training war erfolgreich #rollerderby #rollerskating #derbyverse
#rollerderby #rollerskating #derbyverse