Roadscapes Wednesday: Explaining Concrete While Getting Buried In It
Welcome to the Roadscapes Wednesday segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Roadscapes Wednesday will feature roads and infrastructure related topics. G
#RoadscapesStuff #Concrete #DerekMuller #ExplainingConcreteWhileGettingBuriedInIt #Highways #infrastructure #roads #RoadsandHighways #Roadscapes #Veritasium #YouTube
#roadscapesstuff #concrete #derekmuller #explainingconcretewhilegettingburiedinit #highways #infrastructure #roads #roadsandhighways #roadscapes #veritasium #youtube
Science Mondays: The World’s Strongest Magnet
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal here at Geek Al
#ScienceTalkStuff #DerekMuller #NationalHighMagneticFieldLaboratory #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #TheWorld'sStrongestMagnet #Veritasium #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #derekmuller #nationalhighmagneticfieldlaboratory #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #theworld #veritasium #youtube
Science Mondays: The Stickiest *Non-Sticky* Substance
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal here at Ge
#ScienceTalkStuff #ArtificialGeckoSkin #DerekMuller #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #TheStickiest*Non-Sticky*Substance #Veritasium #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #artificialgeckoskin #derekmuller #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #thestickiest #veritasium #youtube
Science Mondays: What Happens If A Star Explodes Near The Earth?
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal her
#ScienceTalkStuff #DerekMuller #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #Veritasium #WhatHappensIfAStarExplodesNearTheEarth #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #derekmuller #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #veritasium #whathappensifastarexplodesneartheearth #youtube