Mivel tartozunk a jövő generációinak? Lehetnek-e kötelességeink még nem létező emberek felé? Tehetünk-e rosszat valakivel anélkül, hogy ártanánk neki? Most induló, filozófiai témákkal foglalkozó podcastsorozatunk első epizódjában jövő nemzedékekkel szembeni kötelezettségeinket vizsgáljuk. https://qubit.hu/2023/09/03/mivel-tartozunk-a-jovo-generacioinak #WilliamMacAskill #StephenDarwall #utilitarizmus #haszonelvűség #R.JayWallace #DerekParfit #DavidBoonin
#williammacaskill #stephendarwall #utilitarizmus #haszonelvuseg #r #derekparfit #davidboonin
"What Wood's retelling reminds us is that a non-consequentialist focus on individuals as ends in themselves – distinct centres of self-responsible significance – makes it ethically imperative to arrange public transport systems in ways that ensure trolley problems do not arise."
#TrolleyProblems #ethics
#LondonReviewOfBooks #LRB
#trolleyproblems #ethics #derekparfit #londonreviewofbooks #lrb
"What Wood's retelling reminds us is that a non-consequentialist focus on individuals as ends in themselves distinct centres of self-responsible significance makes it ethically imperative to arrange public transport systems in ways that ensure trolley problems do not arise."
#TrolleyProblems #ethics
#LondonReviewOfBooks #LRB
#trolleyproblems #ethics #derekparfit #londonreviewofbooks #lrb
"What Wood’s retelling reminds us is that a non-consequentialist focus on individuals as ends in themselves – distinct centres of self-responsible significance – makes it ethically imperative to arrange public transport systems in ways that ensure trolley problems do not arise."
#TrolleyProblems #ethics
#LondonReviewOfBooks #LRB
#trolleyproblems #ethics #derekparfit #londonreviewofbooks #lrb