Did you know that some #French philosophers were #pedophiles?
#Foucault, #Derrida, de Beauvoir, & Satre are but a few of the thinkers who signed a 1977 #petition against France’s age of #consent.
The petition involved #discrimination against #gay men but also charges against #sex offenders who'd raped minors aged 12-13.
Foucault & co argued that “no one makes a contract before making love” & that consent was a “trap”.
There were no real consequences for those involved.
#philosophy #sex #gay #discrimination #consent #petition #derrida #foucault #pedophiles #french
Now reading
Speculative Realism: Problems and Prospects Placeholder book cover
Peter Gratton
#Kant #Derrida #Serres #Foucault #Latour #Meillassoux #Brassier #Harman #Badiou (yeah, looks like a BroClub)
and #Grosz & #Bennett
#kant #derrida #Serres #foucault #Latour #Meillassoux #brassier #harman #badiou #Grosz #bennett
Ergaenzung 7 #Derrida
The #Democracy To Come: Notes on the Thought of #JacquesDerrida
#JacquesDerrida #democracy #derrida
[from a thread touching on the linguistic turn in modern Anglo-American phil:]
I'm not expert, but associate the linguistic turn with analytic #philosophy, and #Derrida in effect with being in position of "interrogating" that current of thought.
I'm personally interested in those experiences too immediate for words, as explored in #contemplative and #meditative traditions (and touched on in the book, *Derrida and Negative Theology*).
A favorite passage from 4th c. theologian Gregory of Nyssa:
#meditative #contemplative #derrida #philosophy
Mal sehen, welche interessanten Perspektiven und Anwendungen sich der Dekonstruktion ergeben - erst mal Grundlagen lesen #Derrida
Ganz oben auf dem Lesestapel: "aKa" von Gil Kofman. Kofman hat 2002 den Derrida-Film mitproduziert und schreibt jetzt fiktional über einen heute durch New York wandernden Kafka. Bin gespannt und werde uns berichten!
#gilkofman #derrida #kafka
I've been working more and more with #chatgpt as an assistant lately and I have a nerdy observation as a #philosopher :
#Derrida is my favorite. Reading his #philosophy was quite a training in context as something complex, flexibel and ever-changing. The skills I learned with him allow me to write such good #prompt s because I'm good at understanding all the ways in which something could be interpreted wrong by chatgpt 😆
#prompt #philosophy #derrida #philosopher #chatgpt
Happy #Easter weekend!
If you fancy some chat which starts with a #film, ends with #RSS and dips into #comoaddion, #Derrida and #PsychologicalSafety on the way, how about checking out the new #HelloYouPodcast with @louisew & I?
Just a suggestion - hope you do and that you enjoy it!
#easter #film #rss #comoaddion #derrida #psychologicalsafety #helloyoupodcast
Good morning world - #News of the morning is that the latest Hello You #Podcast is live and ready for your ears!
It's an unfurling experiment in chat between my dear friend @louisew & I. In this particularly wide ranging episode, we get our jaws & ears around:
- Everything, Everywhere All At Once. Possibly one of the best #films and #cinema experiences either of us have had in a long while.
- #Language and how it shapes the world around us. Louise has been reading #Derrida, and we poke about in #Algospeak, #133t and think about how language fosters #belonging & #inclusion
- We are both interested in #leadership. Louise intros a fabulous #podcast looking at #Emotion at #Work. We then move into #PsychologicalSafety and how #clarity is necessary for #compassion, but really exposing for #authentic #leaders
- Finally, we pop into the world of #RSS, empowered by the poll that I recently ran here. I love RSS, Louise reckons its dark magic... But what say you?
I hope you listen in - and if you do, please let us know what you think!
Whatever you're doing today, be excellent (and have us in your ears too!).
Oh, and a #boost wouldn't go amiss... Thank you!
#news #podcast #films #cinema #language #derrida #algospeak #133t #belonging #inclusion #leadership #emotion #work #psychologicalsafety #clarity #compassion #authentic #leaders #rss #boost
What impact did Derrida have on philosophy?
Final as in ABSOLUTE meaning, no.
But some interpretations of a text's meaning are better than others; and are therefore authoritative.
Vaik @outi sano et pitää lukee kokonaan ennenku tuuttaa niin tässä silti. Oon s.50 ja niin paljon on ollut ajatuksia etten tietysti saa murto-osaa sanottua. Tää on niin vaikuttava teos että tiiän nää jutut jo vaik nyt vasta luen. Se on TÄMÄ missä derrida on munasillaan kissan edessä. Vaikeustasoltaan must filosofian keskivaiheilla, kyl tän lukee. Muistuttaa Nietzscheä jotenkin. Hyvä vaalipäivään toivoa tuomaan. Jatkan ehkä tähän ketjuun myöhemminkin #derrida #filosofia #KirjaMastodon
#derrida #filosofia #kirjamastodon
My "To-Read" stack is about 26 books high right now. I had previously ordered myself not to buy any more books until I catch up, but the primary thesis of this text was just irresistible. If the argument of this text holds up, it will have profound implications.
What if Derrida Was Wrong About Saussure? by Russell Daylight
#books #bookstodon #academicchatter #Derrida #Saussure #poststructuralism #bookwyrm #theory #philosophy #linguistics
#books #bookstodon #academicchatter #derrida #saussure #poststructuralism #bookwyrm #theory #philosophy #linguistics
I'm teaching Gayatri Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" this spring, and I wrote up an explainer on it for my students -- and for any of you who might be interested.
(Comments and suggestions welcome!)
#postcolonialism #theory #feminism #postcolonial #representation #India #colonialism #foucault #derrida #freud
#freud #derrida #foucault #colonialism #india #representation #postcolonial #feminism #theory #postcolonialism
I'm teaching Gayatri Spivak's "Can the Subaltern Speak?" this spring, and I wrote up an explainer on it for my students -- and for any of you who might be interested.
(Comments and suggestions welcome!)
#postcolonialism #theory #feminism #postcolonial #representation #India #colonialism #foucault #derrida #freud
#freud #derrida #foucault #colonialism #india #representation #postcolonial #feminism #theory #postcolonialism
#Derrida sostiene che il significato delle parole è sempre in evoluzione e non esiste una sola verità. Ciò può aiutare ad accettare i LLM semplicemente come un'interpretazione del linguaggio e abbracciare la complessità della tecnologia. #ChatGPT sfida l'idea logocentrica. https://emilianismi.wordpress.com/2023/03/12/linterruzione-della-metafisica-logocentrica-occidentale-secondo-derrida-perche-lurlo-di-chatgpt-spaventa-loccidente/
Erasing the archive: an essay about memory and erasure. https://www.universalstoryengine.com/2023/03/10/issue-erasing-the.html #AmWriting #derrida
With #Derrida's understanding (cf. White Mythology) of #metaphors, that all must be metaphor or nothing could be metaphor, and Barthes conception of mythologies, we may conclude that everytime we claim that something 'is not just a metaphor', we are creating an arrangement of mythologically privileged and purified metaphors.
Good to know for reflecting upon one's own part in the reproduction of common mythologies and their myths.
#philosophy #language #HeliotropeOrOrientalJasper #FrenchWine
#frenchwine #heliotropeororientaljasper #language #philosophy #metaphors #derrida
sähkökirja on Kim Stanley Robinson: Ministry for the Future, jota ilmastopiireissä kai paljon on luettu. Onhan siinä mielenkiintosii näkiksii ja mm just tällä sivulla hyviä muotoiluja.
#aprèsmoiledéluge #clifi #ministryforthefuture
#Derrida taas - eurooppalainen setämiesfilosofia ei oo just nyt mun juttu, enempi on kiinnostanut ja oon lukenu alkuperäiskansoja ja myyttejä, mutta Jacques oli kirjaston hyllyssä, ja aiemmin oon suunnitellu sen lukemista niin otin messiin. #eläimet
#kirjamastodon #apresmoiledeluge #clifi #ministryforthefuture #derrida #elaimet