This is absolutely SICK 💔
DUP MLA promoting a foodbank drive for 'Dickens Day'
They have made this Dickensian crisis so much worse by their lack of simply caring about people like me & you
#PovertyIsAPoliticalChoice #DerryAgainstFuelPoverty #DissedByTheDUP #CostOfLivingCrisisNI
#povertyisapoliticalchoice #derryagainstfuelpoverty #dissedbythedup #costoflivingcrisisni
Women in the #Derry area
Fancy a cuppa & a chat?
Join me, Sinead, #DerryAgainstFuelPoverty & Dr Ciara Fitzpatrick from University of Ulster (who is amazing btw) at the Women's Centre
Tues 6th Dec 11am
Contact Rayna at the Womens Centre to confirm attendance 02871 267672 ❤️
#derry #derryagainstfuelpoverty #Costoflivingcrisis #poverty #ni