KOMET und @nfdi4earth suchen Verstärkung!
Komm an die Professur für Geoinformatik der @tudresden und arbeite an der nächsten Generation von Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den Erdsystemwissenschaften und darüber hinaus. Es warten Herausforderungen in Wissenschaft, Software und Organisation.
Rahmenbedingungen: wiss. Mitarbeiter/RSE; m/w/x; TV-L 13, befristet; wiss. Weiterqualifizierung möglich
🇩🇪 https://tu-dresden.de/stellenausschreibung/10706
🇬🇧 https://www.tu-dresden.de/vacancy/10706
Save the date: The #derse24 will be held at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg during the week of March 4th to March 8th, 2024. The main conference is scheduled to run from midday Tuesday, March 5th, to midday Thursday, March 7th, leaving time for additional RSE-related events and meetings before and after. I am part of the program committee. This is very exciting for me, and we'll do a lot to ensure that this will also be exciting for you. #rse #derse
Last week, I was part of the founding of a Special Interest Group within the #GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik, Society for Computer Science). Through various coincidences, I had the opportunity to present the #NFDIxCS initiative and witness the process of its establishment. Official statements will follow, which will also introduce the substantive topics. #deRSE
Excited for the #deRSE session on Policies and legal Frameworks
We'll learn about licenses and software regulations
Am in Paderborn at the #derse conference 2023. The first in person since 2019. Over 140 registered participants. And we had a very interesting talk about ergonomics and software. First round of interviews to start soon.
- Good software design is about balancing contradicting forces.
- Meaning is constructed by each individual.
- Information is a difference that makes a difference.
First keynote on software engineering ergonomics at #deRSE
Call for Contributions:
🇬🇧 the 3rd conference in Germany addressing research software and the people behind it within the German #research landscape.
🇩🇪 die dritte Konferenz in Deutschland, die sich mit #Forschung|ssoftware und den Menschen dahinter in der deutschen Forschungslandschaft beschäftigt.
#derse #rse #deRSE23 #research #forschung
Call for Contributions:
🇬🇧 the 3rd conference in Germany addressing research software and the people behind it within the German #research landscape
🇩🇪 die dritte Konferenz in Deutschland, die sich mit #Forschung|ssoftware und den Menschen dahinter in der deutschen Forschungslandschaft
#derse #rse #deRSE23 #research #forschung