Ron #DeSadist, #Trump, #KevinMcCarthy, et al, are not "conservatives". "Compassionate conservative" was already an oxymoron during the Cheney/Dumbya administration, but the GOP has since removed all the conservatives from their ranks at every level, federal, state and local, leaving only Xian white nationalists and fascists. "Conservatives" had a misguided view of the Constitution, but the GOP in power now wants to do away with it and replace it with a racist white Xian theocracy.
#desadist #trump #KevinMcCarthy
@jhavok @w7voa
We can only hope. Right now, the record holder for electoral votes is held by Nixon after McGovern managed to win only his home state for 17 electoral votes, but #DeSadist might succeed in winning no states at all. I honestly don't recall anybody running for POTUS who is so universally disliked - reviled, even.
The NFL is missing a big opportunity here. Before the regular season begins, they should schedule joint team fights, where teams take the field and just start trying to break bones. It would get a huge TV audience and the stadia would be packed. It would rival the old gladiatorial fights in the Colosseum. Staged in the Red States, homicidal sociopaths like #DeSadist and #Abbott could literally give a thumbs up/thumbs down life sentence from the skybox! Now THAT'S entertainment!
@StillIRise1963 @stewartvm @abqralph
I don't understand the question maybe. Maybe I need to exclude poor, underfunded urban schools from my cynical diatribe, but in either school system, intellectual achievement is no longer valued at all. Anti-intellectualism has a long history in America and it has become the dominant philosophy. Education is the name of the game in reducing racist behavior and promoting human understanding, but now the name of the game is football. Just ask #DeSadist.
@BobMazatlan @StillIRise1963
It's far beyond simple racism. Ron #DeSadist, like his cohort in TX #Abbott, are sadistic, homicidal, sociopathic megalomaniacs, just like #Donald, but smarter.
Remember, Grandpa and Grandma live there now. And Disney is still there, whether #DeSadist likes it or not. But tourists are avoiding it, or so I've heard, and it's more than just the liberals or even tourists. The NAACP has issued a warning to PoC and is actually moving its headquarters to another state. Conventions are cancelling, female college students are transferring out...
Just one more manifestation of collective psychosis, as they mimic the behavior of their leader, the barking mad sociopath #Donald. Florida is the national leader in covid deaths and #DeSadist wants to keep it that way.
Still fewer than the GOP's bioterrorism and mass murder campaign under #Donald killed. When you add in the CDC "excess deaths" stats, we lost about 1.7 million. #DeSadist and #Abbott and the other Red states just didn't count all the covid deaths. In Florida, they have a policy not to test the dead for covid, so that the only way a covid death is counted is if they were known to have it before they died.
My morning observations listening to Xian Joe and his harridan honeybun, Botox Mika:
#DeSadist is decompensating, bordering on delusional.
Gov Burgum of N. Dakota is a top tier candidate for stupidest governor in the US.
Bragging about America's economic growth is bragging about how we're pumping more CO2 into the air than ever, speeding the death of the planet, and nobody makes the connection.
#RishiSunak wears a size 34 short suit and high heel shoes. Brits are almost as stupid as we are.
What the hell is going on in Florida, and why do Republicans have such a stranglehold on the state govt? Is the state that jerrymandered?
A proposed bill in Florida limits sexual health education to grades six through twelve.
The lawmaker who proposed the bill conceded it would ban younger girls from discussing periods.
#uspol #uspolitics #Florida #Republicans #CultureWar #DeSadist
#uspol #uspolitics #florida #republicans #culturewar #desadist
The Florida NAACP, the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and sued a slew of Florida officials on Thursday over a requirement that those without a state driver's license must provide a handwritten signature to register to vote.
#uspol #uspolitics #Republicans #VoterSuppression #Florida #DeSadist
#uspol #uspolitics #republicans #votersuppression #florida #desadist
Please spread this far and wide.
#DeSadist #CaseyDeSadist #RonDeSadist
FL First Lady Casey DeSantis has taken the spotlight in her husband's Hurricane Ian relief efforts.
Last month I saw her speak on economic self-sufficiency of the poor. She said, "Govt is not there to solve problems."
Does that thinking apply to their disaster response? 1/
#desadist #caseydesadist #rondesadist